SMP before dental school? Pls help

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Dec 24, 2020
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I was accepted to a 2 year oral biology masters program at UCLA. I want to be a more competitive applicant for dental school because my undergrad gpa is a 3.0 and sgpa is a 2.8. However, a dentist has been telling me to drop this program and apply to Roseman’s MBS program for next year.

Can anyone provide any insight on which would be a smarter decision.

My only concern is that if worst case scenario I do not get accepted into Roseman, then where would i go from there since I already am going on 3 years since i graduated undergrad.

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Could you explain what advice you had to get into the 2-year program? Why does this dentist want you to apply for NEXT year's MBS?

With your sGPA, I would take my time getting the science course foundation. You need mentoring and strong academic support, and if you can do it in two years, take the two years rather than trying to apply again and wait until next year to get the same foundation.
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