SMP U Cincinnati vs CWRU

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5+ Year Member
Feb 27, 2018
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I've been accepted to both. Just looking to see if anyone has any insight on which is better. Cincinnati has much smaller classes (32 vs 150), higher acceptance rate (82% as of 2016 vs 66% as of 2013). Cincinnati takes and scores classes alongside med students. Has no linkage but provisional interview.

CWRU has the weight of CW med behind it with the same provisional interview. Is in a highly reputable research area with opportunity to do research. I just feel like it might be hard to distinguish oneself among such a large class, especially not bring compared to med students.

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I'm biased because I did UC's SMP, but that would be my pick hands down. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or want to talk about the program in more detail.
Hey, following up on your reply. What'd you think of Cincinnati? Were you accepted into any programs? I'm really considering Cincinnati over case Western for the reasons I posted before and because case Western states provisional interviews are for those who also performed well in undergrad. If I had already performed well, I wouldn't be attending an smp, ya know?