So...what happens if you don't match?

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7+ Year Member
May 25, 2015
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Hypothetically, let's say an MS4 wants to apply to radiology or anesthesiology or derm. From my understanding it is possible to only match into a preliminary/TRI program and NOT into the advanced program of choice.

Let's say that is the case. The MS4 did not match into an advanced program. They are now an intern and are either doing a TRI, prelim medicine, or prelim surgery. For the sake of argument, what if that intern has a change of heart and now wants to be an internal med doc because they loved their prelim year so much.

What happens next? They would have to enter the match again, and this time apply for IM instead of anesthesiology/derm/radiology. Once they match into IM, are they now a PGY2? So for example they will only have to do 2 more years until being finished with residency?

Does a preliminary medicine year count as doing a year of IM so that resident doesn't have to 'repeat' PGY1 year?

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What happens next? They would have to enter the match again, and this time apply for IM instead of anesthesiology/derm/radiology. Once they match into IM, are they now a PGY2? So for example they will only have to do 2 more years until being finished with residency?

Does a preliminary medicine year count as doing a year of IM so that resident doesn't have to 'repeat' PGY1 year?

Yes. If they can find a spot that has a PGY-2 opening then they can start as a PGY-2 (usually done not through the Match). If they match into a categorical IM residency, they start as a PGY-1 again at that program.

It can count, but only if you find a spot that has an opening for a PGY-2.
Yes. If they can find a spot that has a PGY-2 opening then they can start as a PGY-2 (usually done not through the Match). If they match into a categorical IM residency, they start as a PGY-1 again at that program.

It can count, but only if you find a spot that has an opening for a PGY-2.

Thank you. And how would one find a place with 'an opening for a PGY-2'?
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You can only start as an ACGME IM PGY-2 if you do an IM prelim year. If you do an ACGME TY or prelim GS, you'll need to start as a PGY-1 again (you might get some credit, but completely up to the PD). I don't know the rules surrounding an AOA TRI year, if it would count towards an AOA PGY-2 IM spot.

Also, your IM PD can help you find a PGY-2 position also, although there aren't many of them so you might not have many options.
You can only start as an ACGME IM PGY-2 if you do an IM prelim year. If you do an ACGME TY or prelim GS, you'll need to start as a PGY-1 again (you might get some credit, but completely up to the PD). I don't know the rules surrounding an AOA TRI year, if it would count towards an AOA PGY-2 IM spot.

Also, your IM PD can help you find a PGY-2 position also, although there aren't many of them so you might not have many options.

And pretty soon no one will need to know those rules!
We actually have someone at my school that did this - he matched asethesia, was a few months into IM intern year, and realized he liked IM.

He worked hard, Had a sit-down with the PD, and they brought him on as a PGY2 for IM. It’s not guaranteed though - you have to be well liked within the department.