So which pres candidate is most in line with the interests of pharmacists?

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imagine sisyphus happy
20+ Year Member
Jun 23, 2003
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We need a good, mean-spirited argument and pissing match. Opinionate away, peoples.

Also, if someone pays me $750, I'll vote however they want me to vote. I live in a swing state, too. :thumbup: I think that's illegal in and of itself, however. We'll have to find a loophole or something to make it work, but we'll figure something out, fo' sho'.

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Not too sure as of yet, but Obama/Biden would be my vote. No tax cut on income <$250k.
Obama. McCain is old and if he dies, I don't want Palin running the country.
My career is not my first concern when it comes to whom I am voting for. For so many reasons, I am in favor of the Obama/Biden ticket. And yeah, I think in the end it will be the better choice for health care. And I am right there with k0ni. That woman kind of terrifies me. She is an even bigger idiot than George W, and meaner.
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Obama/Biden - it's time for the US to make some changes to its health care. It's not acceptable to have so many uninsured people in this country.
From a greedy standpoint, more insured people would mean more demand from pharmacists...which would nicely absorb the amount of kids trickling out of these me-too pharmacy schools opening up everywhere.

I like Tina Fey best, however I will also vote anyway anybody wants for money. I'm think I'm in the same swing state as WVUPharm2007, but I'm retail, so I will need more than $750.
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I was on the fence leaning towards Obama/Biden... and then McCain announced Palin as his running mate and that pushed me solidly towards Obama.

After watching the debate on Thursday I have no clue why the hell McCain chose her. I'm certain there has to be a female Republican who can produce something better than: Maverick, soccer practice, joe sixpack, hockey practice, *wink* MAVERICK!

No way in hell do I want that person so close to the presidency.
I was on the fence leaning towards Obama/Biden... and then McCain announced Palin as his running mate and that pushed me solidly towards Obama.

After watching the debate on Thursday I have no clue why the hell McCain chose her. I'm certain there has to be a female Republican who can produce something better than: Maverick, soccer practice, joe sixpack, hockey practice, *wink* MAVERICK!

No way in hell do I want that person so close to the presidency.

Those are my exact thoughts! How did you get in my mind? :laugh:
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From a greedy standpoint, more insured people would mean more demand from pharmacists...which would nicely absorb the amount of kids trickling out of these me-too pharmacy schools opening up everywhere.

This sounds good...but then I thought, everyone over 65 gets Medicare already, so you have a lot of built-in momentum with baby boomers retiring.

So I'd say McCain/Palin would keep income/capital gains taxes down vs. a Democratic Hill + WH, which would be better for take-home pay.

But we've got a deficit to plug & other things, so long term, I'd hand it to Obama.

Man, if only T. Boone Pickens were running for president. Both Obama AND McCain suck. This is the best the United States can put forward?? Had McCain picked Romney, I would have voted that way; but with that dumb **** Palin waiting for a McCain infarc., that's a big no for me.
That woman kind of terrifies me. She is an even bigger idiot than George W, and meaner.

I am all for intelligent debates. The above is an example of one that is not. What specific FACTS do you have that back up your OPINION?

How's that for a pissing match, WVU?
Well, I certainly think she's an idiot. Have you seen her speak?

Personally, I'm voting for Bill Stewart. I figure if the head football coach was president, he could overturn a few losses this year with the national guard or, it couldn't hurt recruiting. :thumbup:

It's not like any of these idiots know what they are doing. You've got Putin setting up Russia to attempt to overthrow the dollar as the de facto fiat the international market depends on and these dummies are worried about a bunch of backwater punks like Iran and the viability of a few major banks. Mother F'n Russia is getting her ducks in a row, boys. That greenback needs strengthened and the use of some fascist (literally...) ponzi scheme where we float $700 billion to a bunch of hucksters for being too good at taking advantage of stupid people isn't a great idea, IMO. Of course, both of them supported it. Yay capitalism (I think).

Let's be honest though. Our economy is hosed either way at this point. I'm talking for a good decade. I'm all about electing a Marxist that will mandate health insurance access for all for when the recession really hits. That means we'll be in more demand than ever before and we'll all eat at the end of the day no matter what.

Then there is also the negatives of an Obama presidency. I'll have to deal with a bunch of douchebags being happy that their hipster president was elected. I can just see them putting Apple computer products all throughout the White House and the Secret Service guys with those stupid thick rimmed glasses and sporting that "chic geek" look. Oh God help me. Watching liberals complain in excessive amounts of hyperbole is always entertaining. Like Bush is actually the worst president "ever." Jesus, Warren Harding made Bush look like Thomas Jefferson. I'll miss watching and hearing them complain all of the time. Their tears make me laugh....oh well...seeing a bunch of hippy liberals actually be happy is just a price I'll have to pay, I suppose.

I swear to God I'm running for president some day. I'm smarter than these f'n ******s. Oh, look at me, I went to Harvard. Stupid overrated Ivy League bull****. When the hell did doing well enough at jumping through hoops in high school become a prerequisite for being an elite mind?
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I am all for intelligent debates. The above is an example of one that is not. What specific FACTS do you have that back up your OPINION?

How's that for a pissing match, WVU?

You can't be serious.
I am all for intelligent debates. The above is an example of one that is not. What specific FACTS do you have that back up your OPINION?

How's that for a pissing match, WVU?

LOL, alright, I'll bite. Sorry, I don't have a quantitative comparison to prove that she is more idiotic and more mean, but idiotic and mean in general, sure, I've got that covered.

The only fact I need to indicate that she is lacking a few lights upstairs is to tell you to watch the Couric interviews. We have seen that the woman can deliver a memorized speech, ala the RNC speech she gave and her acceptable performance in the debate last week, but when she has to be spontaneous, she completely falls apart. Her sentences were fragmented gibberish. She could not name a single Supreme Court Case she cared about. I also point to the fact that in the debate, there was a question that asked if the VP candidates have ever changed their minds on any political issue. She had nothing. I'm sorry, but someone who cannot learn and grow throughout their lives, who dogmatically sticks to their guns rather than assimilating new information, is in my book an idiot.

You can try to say about her interview manner that "Oh, she was just flustered". I'm sorry, as the potential president of the United States, you SHOULD NOT be easily flustered. You should be cool as a cucumber. This is an issue I also have with McCain, but you asked about Palin, so I'll stick to the subject. As president, you will be facing opponents who are far, far more antagonistic than Katie Couric, who would make her look like a fluffy little newborn kitten.

As for the mean... she called herself a pitbull with lipstick. She freaking called herself mean. I need do nothing more. However, with Troopergate on the horizon, there will be many a FACT indeed on her abuse of power and her vindictiveness.

And monsterbrain, I know you're stressed (ala tthe thread you started about drowning) I understand, I am a first year having to do some adjustments myself, but think happy thoughts hon. I did not write this to antagonize you. I think politics are interesting, and I am absolutely willing to have political discussions, I just think things shouldn't get personal, and I have tried not to attack you here. I hope I have succeeded.
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McCain = sad shell of a once decent politician / vet, sold out:(
Palin = incompetent, quirky, and down-right scary:eek:
Obama = too much fluff and talk, mysterious background/past:shifty:
Biden = thinks FDR spoke on tv during the great depression, just blah:yawn:

I couldn't care less about any of these people, just the same old crap coming out of Washington every 4 years. Nothing changes; same talking points, same arguments, same issues, same problems, just new faces.

Unfortunately, this country was bought and sold a long time ago...and if makes you feel better casting a "vote", have had it folks. If I do make it to the ballot box, I'll probably exercise my "power" and write in either Ron Paul, Mike Gravel or Jesse Ventura.

In the meantime, live life, work, make money, enjoy your family and friends, and stock up on guns and tuna.
We all know that you can't believe anything now days. And there will never be a perfect candidate...even the most messiah lookin' candidate has someone saying he sucks, or is too inexperienced, or too old, or whatever. The way I look at it in order of importance, pick the person who a) aligns the best to your own most important issues, b) has the less cons vs. pros and c) who will lead the country the greatest in this new day and age. And we'll see if you are correct in 3 years.
Well, gonna have to go with Obama/Biden.

Ron Paul was the best candidate for pharmacists since he supports legislation that would allow pharmacists and nurses to perform some of the tasks that physicians perform.

What legislation? Would we and the nurses be compensated the same as physicians? Is there a website? Thanks!
What legislation? Would we and the nurses be compensated the same as physicians? Is there a website? Thanks!

Nurses perform some of the same tasks as physicians every day (NP's, CRNA's). They are not compensated the same, and shouldn't be.
Neither candidate is appealing, and I think either will wreak havoc on what remains of the healthcare system if elected. However, I have no choice but to vote against Sarah Palin. The woman is dumber than my shoes, and I don't want to think of her anywhere close to the White House. Therefore, it will be for Obama. Stupid US two-party system...
Out of 300 million people in the U.S., these are the 2 best candidates they could offer us? They both suck.

If McCain's camp really would be an extension of Bush's, then I'd have to go with the other option.
Two things come to mind:
1) Bush referring to us as "greedy pharmacists" when talking about Medicare Part D.
2) When I entered pharmacy school in 2004, the class just graduating was consolidating their loans at ~ 2%. Then, Bush came along with his stupid Defecit Reduction Act, taking away that subsidization so he could go play in Iraq, and now I pay 6.8% interest on a principal balance large enough to buy a house.

Drug Topics did a poll, and RPh's seem to prefer McCain...
...of course, the RPh's that actually reply to Drug Topics polls are probably the stereotypical angry old white males, so that could explain a lot.
Has there ever been a candidate that doesn't "suck"? I'm really just wondering, because as far as I can remember as a young adult, I've never known a single candidate that had a majority of approval. It happened in 2000, 2004, and now.

I was actually surprised about this election...I thought a close to perfect-- since there is no such thing as perfect-- candidate had come along (won't mention who, for the sake of saving my ass) and yet I see so many people against him. I guess you really can't make everyone happy.
Out of 300 million people in the U.S., these are the 2 best candidates they could offer us? They both suck.

I completely agree with that, it is pretty sad.

Just look at the last election, Kerry v Bush, for evidence of how utterly corrupt our 2 party system is:

-Bush, grad of Yale 68', skull and bones member
-Kerry, grad of Yale 66', skull and bones member

Keep in mind that skull and bones is an extremely secretive, elitist frat, that allows about 10-12 students a year. Almost all of these students go on after school to become high powered lawyers, bankers, CEO's, politicians, or some other job in the Military Industrial Complex.

Now, out of a population of roughly 300 million, we just SO HAPPENED to have 2 candidates from the same Ivy League Frat running against each other. And both of them wanted us to believe just HOW DIFFERENT they were from each other. Like a Casino; no matter what, the house always wins...

Pure horse ****.
I actually like McCain and Palin; I'm a conservative/libertarian. I think I'm in the minority though ^_^' As a side note, I think many conservatives are upset with Bush now. . .
LOL, alright, I'll bite. Sorry, I don't have a quantitative comparison to prove that she is more idiotic and more mean, but idiotic and mean in general, sure, I've got that covered.

The only fact I need to indicate that she is lacking a few lights upstairs is to tell you to watch the Couric interviews. We have seen that the woman can deliver a memorized speech, ala the RNC speech she gave and her acceptable performance in the debate last week, but when she has to be spontaneous, she completely falls apart. Her sentences were fragmented gibberish. She could not name a single Supreme Court Case she cared about. I also point to the fact that in the debate, there was a question that asked if the VP candidates have ever changed their minds on any political issue. She had nothing. I'm sorry, but someone who cannot learn and grow throughout their lives, who dogmatically sticks to their guns rather than assimilating new information, is in my book an idiot.

You can try to say about her interview manner that "Oh, she was just flustered". I'm sorry, as the potential president of the United States, you SHOULD NOT be easily flustered. You should be cool as a cucumber. This is an issue I also have with McCain, but you asked about Palin, so I'll stick to the subject. As president, you will be facing opponents who are far, far more antagonistic than Katie Couric, who would make her look like a fluffy little newborn kitten.

As for the mean... she called herself a pitbull with lipstick. She freaking called herself mean. I need do nothing more. However, with Troopergate on the horizon, there will be many a FACT indeed on her abuse of power and her vindictiveness.

And monsterbrain, I know you're stressed (ala tthe thread you started about drowning) I understand, I am a first year having to do some adjustments myself, but think happy thoughts hon. I did not write this to antagonize you. I think politics are interesting, and I am absolutely willing to have political discussions, I just think things shouldn't get personal, and I have tried not to attack you here. I hope I have succeeded.

she is exactly what i want in office, someone who has no friggin clue about how politics. This means she does not know/care about bipartisan he said/she said bull****. She represents the lower class, someone who doesn't understand the ineffective politican system, but understands what needs to be done. To me, she still is a great choice for VP.

and to defend troopergate, I would like to know how many people in america who have abused their privileges that they have with their job. Whether it be sneaking into the supply room and taking some stuff home with you, or I don't know, helping someone close to you at the pharmacy get a prescription done or a PA done or, just a little bit quicker or just taking the extra step in recommendations and looking up info? Who doesn't use the perks to their job. Don't be naive if you think biden/obama have never done something like this in their lives. Look at John Edwards.

but whatever side you look at, the friggin media in this country rule the election. Whether its one thing or another, the media are the driving force behind who wins, its not the candidates, its the media. Whatever spin they put on the story is the side that we will hear.
she is exactly what i want in office, someone who has no friggin clue about how politics. This means she does not know/care about bipartisan he said/she said bull****. She represents the lower class, someone who doesn't understand the ineffective politican system, but understands what needs to be done. To me, she still is a great choice for VP.

and to defend troopergate, I would like to know how many people in america who have abused their privileges that they have with their job. Whether it be sneaking into the supply room and taking some stuff home with you, or I don't know, helping someone close to you at the pharmacy get a prescription done or a PA done or, just a little bit quicker or just taking the extra step in recommendations and looking up info? Who doesn't use the perks to their job. Don't be naive if you think biden/obama have never done something like this in their lives. Look at John Edwards.

but whatever side you look at, the friggin media in this country rule the election. Whether its one thing or another, the media are the driving force behind who wins, its not the candidates, its the media. Whatever spin they put on the story is the side that we will hear.

It is not the fact that she is a Washington outsider that I have a problem with. If she showed signs of intelligence and good judgment, I might even like her. But so far, that has not been the case. I am not at all convinced she "knows what needs to be done". She has ideas about what she wants to be done, but I am pretty sure I don't want her to succeed in her desires, but that is a personal difference.

And maybe I am being naive, but the abuse of power that you are talking about is rather different from what Palin seems to have done. Pushing a scrip through a little faster, sneaking something out of a storeroom, the damage caused to others is pretty inconsequential in these instances. She fired at least two men from their jobs because they wouldn't fall into line, when they had a complete right not to. The scale that she could take this to as POTUS truly frightens me.

Do you have an alternative solution to the media for disseminating information? Seriously, if you have a viable option, I would be right there with you. But I take what I can get.
It is not the fact that she is a Washington outsider that I have a problem with. If she showed signs of intelligence and good judgment, I might even like her. But so far, that has not been the case. I am not at all convinced she "knows what needs to be done". She has ideas about what she wants to be done, but I am pretty sure I don't want her to succeed in her desires, but that is a personal difference.

And maybe I am being naive, but the abuse of power that you are talking about is rather different from what Palin seems to have done. Pushing a scrip through a little faster, sneaking something out of a storeroom, the damage caused to others is pretty inconsequential in these instances. She fired at least two men from their jobs because they wouldn't fall into line, when they had a complete right not to. The scale that she could take this to as POTUS truly frightens me.

Do you have an alternative solution to the media for disseminating information? Seriously, if you have a viable option, I would be right there with you. But I take what I can get.

I see your points, agree to disagree. I just do not like the idea that this country as a whole puts their political view based on a biased media. I am not only talking from a republican point of view but everytime some one does something that bring up their tv ratings they jump right on it. They cover it non-stop and beat it like a dead horse. They make mountains out of mole hills and there really is no need.

For example if I followed a person at random for a whole 24 hours with a TV camera, I am sure that I could find something stupid that they did or said and turn it into the 2nd coming of Jesus.

I will bite on this (and i feel the real answer to this thread lies here), but to me the bigger deal about candidates is over health care systems. As selfish as it seems I do NOT think that that we should even be thinking universal health care or anything close to it, thank god Hillary went down in flames. To think that everything would be run like NY state Medicaid makes me want to commit hara kiri. Not to mention if you want to talk about debt and deficit, wait until we bankrupt Medicare (and we are already on the way)
I see your points, agree to disagree. I just do not like the idea that this country as a whole puts their political view based on a biased media. I am not only talking from a republican point of view but everytime some one does something that bring up their tv ratings they jump right on it. They cover it non-stop and beat it like a dead horse. They make mountains out of mole hills and there really is no need.

For example if I followed a person at random for a whole 24 hours with a TV camera, I am sure that I could find something stupid that they did or said and turn it into the 2nd coming of Jesus.

I will bite on this (and i feel the real answer to this thread lies here), but to me the bigger deal about candidates is over health care systems. As selfish as it seems I do NOT think that that we should even be thinking universal health care or anything close to it, thank god Hillary went down in flames. To think that everything would be run like NY state Medicaid makes me want to commit hara kiri. Not to mention if you want to talk about debt and deficit, wait until we bankrupt Medicare (and we are already on the way)

I will definitely agree with you on the absurdity of the media obsession. People's lives under constant surveillance, events stretched to the most absurd distortions of the truth. Its a mess. Its why I turn to foreign news sources fairly often. They tend to cull through the bull**** at least a little bit, although it is far from perfect still.

I don't think universal health care can work for our country. Our system is far too huge and complex and is just NOT set up for it. I like the idea of universal health care, but I just don't think we can handle it, LOL. I don't have enough know-how to dictate the new system, but hopefully my knowledge will be expanded over the next few years as I learn more about the current workings. I just hope some changes are made to improve access and (dreaming here) decrease costs one way or another.
Why can't it be Biden/Obama, not the other way around?

Obama doesn't know what he's doing, but good advisors can fix that.
McCain knows what he's doing but doesn't see that what he's doing will harm the country. Good advisors can't fix that (since he'll pick people that won't protest against him).
Why can't it be Biden/Obama, not the other way around?

Simple: he didn't win the primary.

I am definitely not picking a fight with you, I like Biden a lot. He is a decent politician. But he can't head the ticket. That would defeat the purpose of the primary, which allows people to choose who they think is best suited.
Simple: he didn't win the primary.

I am definitely not picking a fight with you, I like Biden a lot. He is a decent politician. But he can't head the ticket. That would defeat the purpose of the primary, which allows people to choose who they think is best suited.

You thought I seriously thought that Biden could be running for president now?
I just meant that he would be a better presidential candidate, but that's just my opinion. Apparently only 4% of the voters agreed with me in the primaries, that was before he dropped out.
And I hope most Americans on here are educated enough to know how the whole elections process works (except for the details of the delegates of the electoral college and all that).
You thought I seriously thought that Biden could be running for president now?
I just meant that he would be a better presidential candidate, but that's just my opinion. Apparently only 4% of the voters agreed with me in the primaries, that was before he dropped out.
And I hope most Americans on here are educated enough to know how the whole elections process works (except for the details of the delegates of the electoral college and all that).

I didn't really think you meant that he should be able to head the ticket. I was trying to be mildly snarky, guess it came off as mildly insulting. I apologize.

And I think that the people on this forum probably know the basics of the delegate selection, can't make guarantees or even hope too much about a lot of the population. Before you shout me down for being cynical and not having examples, I have talked to people who pretty much lacked any real idea of the function and format of primaries. Welcome to rural Tennessee, where graduating from high school is the exception, not the rule. Hell, finishing middle school is an accomplishment.
LOL, alright, I'll bite. Sorry, I don't have a quantitative comparison to prove that she is more idiotic and more mean, but idiotic and mean in general, sure, I've got that covered.

The only fact I need to indicate that she is lacking a few lights upstairs is to tell you to watch the Couric interviews. We have seen that the woman can deliver a memorized speech, ala the RNC speech she gave and her acceptable performance in the debate last week, but when she has to be spontaneous, she completely falls apart. Her sentences were fragmented gibberish. She could not name a single Supreme Court Case she cared about. I also point to the fact that in the debate, there was a question that asked if the VP candidates have ever changed their minds on any political issue. She had nothing. I'm sorry, but someone who cannot learn and grow throughout their lives, who dogmatically sticks to their guns rather than assimilating new information, is in my book an idiot.

You can try to say about her interview manner that "Oh, she was just flustered". I'm sorry, as the potential president of the United States, you SHOULD NOT be easily flustered. You should be cool as a cucumber. This is an issue I also have with McCain, but you asked about Palin, so I'll stick to the subject. As president, you will be facing opponents who are far, far more antagonistic than Katie Couric, who would make her look like a fluffy little newborn kitten.

As for the mean... she called herself a pitbull with lipstick. She freaking called herself mean. I need do nothing more. However, with Troopergate on the horizon, there will be many a FACT indeed on her abuse of power and her vindictiveness.

And monsterbrain, I know you're stressed (ala tthe thread you started about drowning) I understand, I am a first year having to do some adjustments myself, but think happy thoughts hon. I did not write this to antagonize you. I think politics are interesting, and I am absolutely willing to have political discussions, I just think things shouldn't get personal, and I have tried not to attack you here. I hope I have succeeded.

I have taken nothing personal. We just all need to make sure we understand why we agree/disagree with a political candidate, rather than regurgitating the crap the media wants us to believe. Thank you for your insight.

BTW, can't you tell that I like fluffy kittens?
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I have taken nothing personal. We just all need to make sure we understand why we agree/disagree with a political candidate, rather than regurgitating the crap the media wants us to believe. Thank you for your insight.

BTW, can't you tell that I like fluffy kittens?

My comment was completely inspired by your avatar. ;-)
Nurses perform some of the same tasks as physicians every day (NP's, CRNA's). They are not compensated the same, and shouldn't be.

Thank you for your opinion. Your enthusiasm is laudatory. However, the question was not on your opinion. The question is (regarding Paul's proposed legislation):"Is there a website to view this legislation, and, will pharmacists and nurses be compensated the same as physicians?".
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On a random note,

Saw Obama today (went to a rally). He didn't talk much about healthcare, and if he did, it wasn't important enough to hear (lots of people there so kinda hard to hear things) besides the usual "healthcare everyone can afford". Usual hope and change stuff, without much reasonable backing. But at least his intentions are good, unlike McCain's.
I am kinda suprised... 4 years ago there were a lot of people on here supporting bush and the republican party. People were saying the republicans were best for pharmicists...

I really hope Obama can win... america needs a true change... and if he doesn't work... he will be voted out i 4 years... and a republican will get another chance, but I am personally sick of Bush and the war, and don't know how people think McCain is a change.

although my vote won't count, I live in AZ.
Which candidate has a pharmacists best interest? Who cares? I hope nobody is selfish enough to vote based on that. Reminds me of how rich people vote republican so they don't get taxed as much, but they end up eating it when their buisness fails becuase of bad econimc decisions made by the idiot they helped put into office.
well...McCain just came out and said he would stop drug importation tonight...that would be a big thing for me. Obviously he is pro military, so that would be another thing for me since I'm a military pharmacist. And quite frankly, I feel okay voting for McCain.
well...McCain just came out and said he would stop drug importation tonight...that would be a big thing for me. Obviously he is pro military, so that would be another thing for me since I'm a military pharmacist. And quite frankly, I feel okay voting for McCain.

:eek: Yep Cject...that was my jaw you just heard hit the floor!