some psych questions

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Jul 3, 2006
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Hi all, I have some psych questions that I am puzzling through:

1. 25yo F brought to ED by police because she was running down cars in downtown intersection. She is having an acute manic episode. She is disruptive and is threatening to staff. VS wnl. PE wnl. Initial pharmacotx?

A. Fluoxetine
B. Hydroxyzine
C. Lamotrigine
D. Lithium
E. Ziprasidone

In RL I would have chosen Li + antipsychotic, but given the answer choices are monotx, is the answer here atypical antipsychotic due to lithium taking a while to work?

2. 3.5yo M with nighttime enuresis brought in for evaluation. Was day time potty trained but continues to have nocturnal enuresis 1-2x/wk. Family has two daughters who were toilet trained by 2yo. Has tried bed wetting alarm, and waking up child at midnight to no avail. Parents believe child is bedwetting out of spite. Most appropriate tx?

A. Reassurance
B. Play tx
C. Family tx
D. Imipramine
E. Sulfamethoxazole

I put imipramine, but this was incorrect. It is kind of abnormal to have sibs who are potty trained earlier, but then girls usually are potty trained before boys. It is also abnormal to have parents thinking child is bed wetting out of spite. Is the answer C? or A?

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