Stationing Overseas and Deployment

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Father and Army Dentist
10+ Year Member
Aug 6, 2010
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Having accepted the Army HPSP scholarship I am somewhat excited about the prospect of living overseas but one hangup is being deployed while my family is in a foreign country. I heard that the Army doesn't do that but my recruited said they do so I'm curious if anyone has had that experience and how it went?

Basically where were you stationed overseas, did you deploy, did your family stay behind, and in restrospect how was it?


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Having accepted the Army HPSP scholarship I am somewhat excited about the prospect of living overseas but one hangup is being deployed while my family is in a foreign country. I heard that the Army doesn't do that but my recruited said they do so I'm curious if anyone has had that experience and how it went?

Basically where were you stationed overseas, did you deploy, did your family stay behind, and in restrospect how was it?


I don't know who told you that you won't be deployed if you are stationed overseas, but they lied to you. An overseas assignment is no different from a stateside assignment, and you should expect to deploy. If you choose to bring your family on an accompanied overseas tour, the military will not send them back to the US while you are gone on a deployment. However, there is usually a strong support system of spouses on base that get quite close and help each other through the loneliness. If your family wants to go back to the US while you are gone, which many families choose to do, it will come out of your own pocket.
Having accepted the Army HPSP scholarship I am somewhat excited about the prospect of living overseas but one hangup is being deployed while my family is in a foreign country. I heard that the Army doesn't do that but my recruited said they do so I'm curious if anyone has had that experience and how it went?

Basically where were you stationed overseas, did you deploy, did your family stay behind, and in restrospect how was it?


If current trends remain the same by the time you graduate your chance of deploying is about 25-30%.

You can be deployed from anywhere - doesn't matter if you are in a small place or a big place - overseas or in the states. I am currently deployed and we have guys here from Hawaii, Germany, and Alaska - all of which are considered overseas. The only place you will not deploy from is Korea, Kuwait, or Sinai (Howevere your family may not be with you if you are stationed at those places either - possibly Korea).

Support system is great. Deployments are usually only 6 months. Your family can stay behind or go back to live with family members.

Check out my blog to see pictures from my current deployment.
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If current trends remain the same by the time you graduate your chance of deploying is about 25-30%.

You can be deployed from anywhere - doesn't matter if you are in a small place or a big place - overseas or in the states. I am currently deployed and we have guys here from Hawaii, Germany, and Alaska - all of which are considered overseas. The only place you will not deploy from is Korea, Kuwait, or Sinai (Howevere your family may not be with you if you are stationed at those places either - possibly Korea).

Support system is great. Deployments are usually only 6 months. Your family can stay behind or go back to live with family members.

Check out my blog to see pictures from my current deployment.

I don't know how much you can actually reveal to the public, but where is the Army currently deploying now? My obvious initial guesses would just be Afghanistan and Iraq, but I'm curious if you guys are going anywhere else in the world (as a dentist of course, since I'm sure there are certain spots where only special forces go, don't care about those). And because of your position in the Army (medical officer), do you ever hear of cross-branch deployments, like if a Marine unit or Air Force base, etc needs a comp dentist or specialist, etc, they might pull from across the branches? (oh and I meant that both ways, like a Navy or Air Force dental officer getting pulled for an Army deployment because of overall needs of the US military)
I don't know how much you can actually reveal to the public, but where is the Army currently deploying now? My obvious initial guesses would just be Afghanistan and Iraq, but I'm curious if you guys are going anywhere else in the world (as a dentist of course, since I'm sure there are certain spots where only special forces go, don't care about those). And because of your position in the Army (medical officer), do you ever hear of cross-branch deployments, like if a Marine unit or Air Force base, etc needs a comp dentist or specialist, etc, they might pull from across the branches? (oh and I meant that both ways, like a Navy or Air Force dental officer getting pulled for an Army deployment because of overall needs of the US military)

Iraq and Afghanistan for now. Special Forces dentists are assigned to Special Forces units - so when the entire unit deploys the dentist will go also to support their dental needs - they stay in the back and support. They don't go out on missions with the smaller special forces teams (to my knowledge).

Cross deployments usually don't happen. There are some bases that are tri-service meaning you may have regular spots for a dentist or assitant at a base of another service - examples would be Pentagon, Bethesda (Walter Reed North), Ft. Meade, and a few others - I have seen it more where the Army has people from other services not visa versa. You will also see it in some residency programs where some of the specialists may be from another branch.

It is rare to have someone "borrowed" to go to another service's base to help out. It would be great if the Army would let some of their dentists go and help out on the humanitarian missions from another service (Like the Navy Hospital ships - USS Comfort and the other one (can't remember) - but I don't see that happen much.

I also have not heard of someone from another service deploying in place of someone else from a different service. I have seen certain deployed spots being rotated between services i.e. an Army OMFS deploys some place for 6 months, and then the next person that replaces him is an AF OMFS.
I don't know how much you can actually reveal to the public, but where is the Army currently deploying now? My obvious initial guesses would just be Afghanistan and Iraq, but I'm curious if you guys are going anywhere else in the world (as a dentist of course, since I'm sure there are certain spots where only special forces go, don't care about those). And because of your position in the Army (medical officer), do you ever hear of cross-branch deployments, like if a Marine unit or Air Force base, etc needs a comp dentist or specialist, etc, they might pull from across the branches? (oh and I meant that both ways, like a Navy or Air Force dental officer getting pulled for an Army deployment because of overall needs of the US military)

I guess the definition of deployment needs to be clarified a little. Not sure if the army would consider them deployments or vacations but there are often humanitarian type missions in various locations in South America. Also I've heard there are occasionally opportunities on the USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy for all services, not just the Navy.
I guess the definition of deployment needs to be clarified a little. Not sure if the army would consider them deployments or vacations but there are often humanitarian type missions in various locations in South America. Also I've heard there are occasionally opportunities on the USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy for all services, not just the Navy.

I haven't heard of any Army Active Duty dentists being allowed to go on the USN humanitarian missions. I have seen advertisements in the ADA newsletter and information on how to get hooked up with it for civilian dentists - but I don't see the Army cutting someone loose from the clinic and sending them out. As a reservist it would be different since you could volunteer and try to go as your Annual training or on your own.

Typically the Reserve and Guard dentists have more opportunities to do humanitarian missions.
I can shed some light on this subject. Army Dentist who are attached to Special Forces Groups(Battalion/Group Dentist) can and will(if requested by the team) go to a team for short periods of time to aid with dental care for locals. I personally have had no help from my Group Dentist, but it is there. The same goes with our Surgeon, Veterinarian etc... It depends on your focus and mission in that area as a team. Currently, we don't get caught up in doing these things as we don't feel the return on investment is worth it with the locals(ie: telling us where the bad guys are). Note, Im not speaking for other teams in other areas/countries. I have random people come to our gate in need of help and I do help if its serious, but I typically don't go looking to pull teeth or for interesting medical cases anymore.

Also, Civil Affair Teams(Civil Affairs is part of US Army Special Operations Command) have medical providers attached to their teams. Their primary mission is doing things to help the locals in the long run and often help stand up clinics and put in place long term medical care. I might add, this is not their only mission. So, Civil Affairs would be an area to look for placement if you want to be in the field.

The bottom line, you arent going to be on the front lines where the gunfighters are unless its by accident(ie: in movement from one place to another and become in contact). There is no need for you there as the only thing that matters there is Dude(s) A killing Dude(s) B, and living in a way that reduces the other Dude(s) from killing you... which is not comfortable(regardless of what Hollywood shows). Team guys dont want people there who cannot play this way. We only have confidence in those who are one of us... it's a liability in most cases.

I almost forgot, Army SF is operating in over 60 countries right now. SF is not always in a "deployed" status. This is the start of some of the differences between regular Army and SF which aren't relevant here.
I guess the definition of deployment needs to be clarified a little. Not sure if the army would consider them deployments or vacations but there are often humanitarian type missions in various locations in South America. Also I've heard there are occasionally opportunities on the USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy for all services, not just the Navy.

I know multiple AF dentists that have been on the Comfort and/or Mercy.
When I was on the USNS Comfort for CP09, there were active duty Navy, Air Force, and Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, as well as reserve Navy and Army dentists. There was a sizable contingent of civilians, most of whom were either associated with UCSD's pre-dental club (both private practice docs and students) or with Operation Smile. Joining the mix were military dentists from Canada and civilian dentists from several of the host nations.

Some stayed the whole trip, others for 4-6 weeks. Whether you go in uniform or as a civilian I highly recommend the experience. If you go, keep this in mind - the majority of dentists are working in field teams rather than on the ship. Ship equals 4 well equipped units with CEREC, full time lab tech, and digital radiography. Field team equals working in non-air conditioned situations (like open air schools) with minimal equipment that often breaks (adec portable units don't like 95 degree heat...) and (at least in 2009) no field radiography. If you draw the remain overnight straw, the "hotels" can range from somewhat decent to a farm with huts surrounded by razorwire. While it's nothing like a real deployment, it's certainly not a cruise ship jaunt either. Come well prepared, though, and I guarantee you'll have a blast...and maybe even be an honorable Shellback before you get home. :D
Having accepted the Army HPSP scholarship I am somewhat excited about the prospect of living overseas but one hangup is being deployed while my family is in a foreign country. I heard that the Army doesn't do that but my recruited said they do so I'm curious if anyone has had that experience and how it went?

Basically where were you stationed overseas, did you deploy, did your family stay behind, and in restrospect how was it?


Since most of the people have answered the majority of your question, I won't repeat..

To answer your last statement, I will tell you how it was in retrospect...AWESOME!! I thoroughly enjoyed my deployments. You learn a lot about dentistry and the military and gain a new appreciation for what you do. I know of many (MANY) people that deployed and didn't want to go, but when they returned they loved it and were glad they went. I also know of many others that are trying to deploy, but are unable to due to their position or specialty.

Overall, it is a great experience.
Since most of the people have answered the majority of your question, I won't repeat..

To answer your last statement, I will tell you how it was in retrospect...AWESOME!! I thoroughly enjoyed my deployments. You learn a lot about dentistry and the military and gain a new appreciation for what you do. I know of many (MANY) people that deployed and didn't want to go, but when they returned they loved it and were glad they went. I also know of many others that are trying to deploy, but are unable to due to their position or specialty.

Overall, it is a great experience.

I agree