Statistics Required for Med Schools?

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Oct 1, 2006
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I was wondering if Statistics was required for some medical schools. It's required for my major, but I have AP credit for Stats that I want to use so I can graduate in 3 years.
I'm hoping to stay on the west coast for med school. Does anyone know of schools that do require Stats?

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usc i am not applying there
I think that you should take the class even if it's not required as it will give you insight into different research and statistical significance when you're reading journals and even compiling your own data. Just my two cents.
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I think that you should take the class even if it's not required as it will give you insight into different research and statistical significance when you're reading journals and even compiling your own data. Just my two cents.

I agree with this. Biostats (as boring as it was) was one of the most practical classes I took as an undergrad. There's no question you are going to have to read scholarly research articles that are loaded with statistics. You'd be surprised at how many papers utilize unsound statistics that may go undetected unless you know something about how data is analyzed.
I agree with this. Biostats (as boring as it was) was one of the most practical classes I took as an undergrad. There's no question you are going to have to read scholarly research articles that are loaded with statistics. You'd be surprised at how many papers utilize unsound statistics that may go undetected unless you know something about how data is analyzed.

Very true. In one of my probability and statistics classes (it wasn't even biostatistics) the professor would show us articles from medical journals and the statistics that they published and we would all have a good laugh about how it was absolute crap.

It probably wouldn't hurt you to take an introductory prob/stat class. My first prob/stat classes were upper level and I really didn't find them that hard, so a basic one should be fine. Just think of all those idiot business majors who are taking 100 level stat classes. If they can do it, so can you.
no, but intro stats is really useful! especially if you do any research. you can analyze your own data without getting somebody else to do it. plus stats is kinda fun.:laugh:
no, but intro stats is really useful! especially if you do any research. you can analyze your own data without getting somebody else to do it. plus stats is kinda fun.:laugh:

I actually find my stats class quite boring. However, I do agree it will be useful in the years to come. I hear that a lot of schools don't require it, but they recommend it...and we all know what that means!
I agree with the above posts. The class isn't very hard, and it is very useful especially if you are involved in a research. I took it because it is required for bio major at my school.