Still waiting to hear???

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15+ Year Member
Sep 27, 2005
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For those of you who were complete late November/early December, has any one heard from:


I am getting nervous!!:(

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For those of you who were complete late November/early December, has any one heard from:


I am getting nervous!!:(

I have only heard from KCOM. I will be interviewing at the end of this month. I was complete early Dec. I am still waiting to hear from UNECOM and CCOM. The people at CCOM seem very slow with everything. I am not very impressed with them compared to the other schools. I think UNECOM looks primarily at people from the NE area. Since I am not from that area I am at a disadvantage.
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I think UNECOM looks primarily at people from the NE area. Since I am not from that area I am at a disadvantage.

Interesting... I didn't know that. I guess I would be at a disadvantage, too, since I am in TX.
Interesting... I didn't know that. I guess I would be at a disadvantage, too, since I am in TX.

"Nearly half of the students at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine are from the six New England states. Another (approximately) 30 percent of the students are from the other northeast states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York."
I've heard from VCOM & CCOM- rejected. :confused:

Still no word from UNECOM or KCOM. I did get an email or something from UNE notifying me that I was complete. I've been complete since early to mid October with both UNE & mid November with KCOM.
For those of you who were complete late November/early December, has any one heard from:


I am getting nervous!!:(
I don't know about the others, but if you haven't heard from KCOM, that could be a good thing in a way. They were fast to reject me the first time around. If you haven't heard from them yet, at least they are not sure whether to reject you. ;)
I was complete just prior to Christmas at KCOM and received my email for interview yesterday. I hope this helps.
Contact them! I did and they are very nice. I received my interview invite a few days after contacting them. I am not sure if it is a coincidence or not but it is worth a try.
I have an interview at UNECOM next week. Completed my application late October.
Called PCOM yesterday and was told that my file has been reviewed right now.
For those of you who were complete late November/early December, has any one heard from:


I am getting nervous!!:(

still waiting on ccom...complete since 10/19 :oops: have been updating them with more lor's and update letter :)
rejected by ccom, and i just got an email saying my app is under review by the committee at vcom.
I have an interview at UNECOM next week. Completed my application late October.
Called PCOM yesterday and was told that my file has been reviewed right now.

how did you get PCOM to tell you?? i just called and was told that they can only tell me if my application is complete or not. maybe it depends on who you get on the phone :confused:
I guess, it depends how is answering the phone :) but what she told me is pretty much the same as they told your, right? File completed, under review, -- at the end what is the difference? Still no answer...:(
I was complete just prior to Christmas at KCOM and received my email for interview yesterday. I hope this helps.
Contact them! I did and they are very nice. I received my interview invite a few days after contacting them. I am not sure if it is a coincidence or not but it is worth a try.

Thank you! I appreciate the advice. I think I will do that the first of next week if I haven't heard anything.
I have an interview at UNECOM next week. Completed my application late October.
Called PCOM yesterday and was told that my file has been reviewed right now.

Good to know! So there is hope for me... maybe? Are you from the NE area?