Suggestions for "why do you want to go to school in this state" secondary?

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5+ Year Member
Jan 22, 2020
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Hello everyone. I've been prewriting my secondaries, and came up with my own mix of ideas on this one. But, would appreciate if anyone has recommendations or examples!

(I'm actually in-state, but (a) apart from a few issues specific to the state, just saying "I feel at home here" feels weak, and (b) it'd be good to learn more about this for other states when I write OOS essays.)

Thanks so much!

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Are there specific patient populations that you're interested in working with? Are there any state specific programs that impact care in that state? I think most "why you want to go here" questions are pertaining to the school specifically but if they're general enough for the state you can always look up health outcomes and demographics like "XXX state has the best/worst outcomes in YYY which I am interested in ZZZZ" or "I'm interested in learning medicine in this state due to it's diverse ethnic population, especially XXX refugees who have worked with in my volunteer work at YY, as these individuals experience ZZZZ challenges to receiving care."

Given the range of responses to Roe v Wade and variety in how strongly people feel, I would probably stay away from that as a state policy, but it could be like "XXX state recently voted to expand Medicaid which I believe YYYY and as a result I am interested in learning how to offer care as the state transitions to ZZZZ"
Adcoms at my in-state school have said they like to hear a desire to be close to family/ your support group. As well as a desire to learn more about the states/areas patient population if you intend on practicing there.
So this is not an actual essay prompt? It is basically asking about how you see yourself helping people who live in your area/state, especially those in health professional shortage areas, and where you see yourself as having the greatest impact. It's a nice way to see how your goals and vision align with the school's mission and clinical opportunities.