Summer MCAT Prep

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Currently will be studying full time from middle of May until early August and wanted some advice on which program to choose between TPR and Next Step. Any advice would be great! I'll be studying 40-50 hours a week over this time period and this will be the only thing I'm focused on.

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Best advice youre going to get: Don't burn yourself out studying 40-50 hours a week. Be realistic with yourself. ~350 hours the entire summer is acceptable.
For my MCAT in january my peak studying was 50 hrs a week for 5 weeks over winter break. I had prepared a lot before that but that was where I did the most hrs per week. I started getting burned out a little and don't know if I could have done more than 5 weeks of that. Be careful, a whole summer of that is a tall task and could lead to burn out
Thanks for the advice. I guess 40-50 might be overkill but I just want to make sure I'm doing everything I can during that window of time to get the best possible score. As far as prep between NS and TPR, any recommendations?

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Thanks for the advice. I guess 40-50 might be overkill but I just want to make sure I'm doing everything I can during that window of time to get the best possible score. As far as prep between NS and TPR, any recommendations?

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Didn't do any program. Just self studied using a variety of materials. I thought NS practice exams were far superior to PR in terms of representativeness to the real thing.
Good to know. That's the biggest part of prep to me is the practice exams and making sure that they will be very similar to test day. What was your score if you don't mind?

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I have the TPR box set and I used that to self-study for content review. I liked it-- it is very detailed and the books are lengthy, but if you have the time, I would recommend it. As far as practice exams, AAMC materials > Next Step & ExamKrackers > TPR & Kaplan