Summer remediation support thread

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Mar 17, 2016
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Hang in there dude, anatomy is some bs but all have to do it. I could write a manuscript on why anatomy practicals are a terrible way of evaluating our understanding of anatomy. Not being able to touch the tagged structures and move them around to spatially orient yourself bugs me to no end. The entire time you're dissecting you're allowed to move stuff around. The first thing the professors do to ID a structure is get in there and dig around. I feel like our anatomy dept is just pretty bad also, but anyway, feel your pain bro.
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I knew if I could pass anatomy I could get through medical school. I did pass (didn't do well) and never looked back. I hated anatomy. But on a 2nd look you will get it and pass
Just wanted to add some support. I'm a current internal medicine pgy1 at a large academic program. The only reason I didn't fail anatomy is that my med school spread the misery out over the preclinical years by organ systems. I struggled so hard with practicals. I'm not sure I ever actually passed a single one. It was only because of the other subjects in the organ system that I stayed afloat.

Try not to let this get you down. It has no bearing on your ability to be a good doctor. None. Just jump through the hoop and go on with life. You've got this, bruh.

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Hey man if it's online you don't have to show face anywhere right? Then no one knows! A bunch of people seem to have failed anatomy. It's one of the most common preclinical fail in terms of threads about it. You'll be fine but I understand how much it stings and feeling lonely. You'll get through.
Hi everyone.

I could write an entire post about my situation since I am embarrassed to tell my peers and so have little in-person support for how much I am struggling in school. Fortunately I have great advisers. Unfortunately there is always the risk of revealing my identity on here so I try to limit sharing personal info.

I failed Anatomy and need to retake this upcoming summer through (your school name) online course. There are some older threads on the topic, but they are a few years stale. I thought it would be nice to have a bit of a support group to motivate each other.

Since I assume there are not too many people in this situation (no clue #), I welcome anyone taking remediation courses (biochem, neuro, etc) to join in.

Also wanted to add some support. While I didn't outright fail, I failed a practical once and didn't do great on others but got through it and did much better moving forward. Just pass and move on. Many students do the same. This shouldn't significantly hurt you for most fields.
Add me to the long list of Anatomy-haters! Absolutely abhorred that class. I failed a practical, barely passed another one, and narrowly passed the class. I love the material in my other courses and do pretty well in them, so don't let this get you down too much.
Add me to the long list of Anatomy-haters! Absolutely abhorred that class. I failed a practical, barely passed another one, and narrowly passed the class. I love the material in my other courses and do pretty well in them, so don't let this get you down too much.
Hey Goro. I have seen your posts on other threads and am a fan of your emphasis on mental health.

Anyway, I imagine this sad response has something to do with the fact that Anatomy is very important to any physician.

These were two important truths that I realized over the past five months since actually failing (our first course).
  1. I like Anatomy.
  2. It is okay to like something and to fail at it (or just struggle with it). I used to play sports in high school and college, mostly because I loved them, but I often lost. Some small, some big.
Like some of the posters above, I resent the way that Anatomy is structured - but I realize it's sort of inherent to the course. If you will bear with the sports analogy: it's always awkward the first time you pick up a new set of skis, stick or a tennis racquet. It comes with practice... and if you try to pick it up after a few years off, it will come back more quickly.

I am glad that there are high standards to become a physician and I am eager to meet them.
I am saddened by your plight bit know that you'll get through it. But the sad face was prompted by Affiche's post. She is one of my favorite "advisees" .