Summer Research Opportunities at Other Schools - D1

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7+ Year Member
Apr 4, 2016
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Hi! I'm a current D1 looking into research opportunities for the upcoming summer. My school has a research program but I missed the deadline, and have been planning to seek opportunities elsewhere in hopes of using my last summer to conduct research at another institution (hopefully make some cool connections) and explore a new city while I still can! I have research experience and am willing to do research in any field. I know most schools have programs exclusive to their own dental students, but was wondering if anyone knew of opportunities that are open to all D1s.

Any leads are appreciated! :)

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Hi! I'm a current D1 looking into research opportunities for the upcoming summer. My school has a research program but I missed the deadline, and have been planning to seek opportunities elsewhere in hopes of using my last summer to conduct research at another institution (hopefully make some cool connections) and explore a new city while I still can! I have research experience and am willing to do research in any field. I know most schools have programs exclusive to their own dental students, but was wondering if anyone knew of opportunities that are open to all D1s.

Any leads are appreciated! :)

Wouldn't you be better off reaching out to individual professors at your school and asking if you can informally begin research with them. Making connections at your own school is likely more valuable than those at another institution.