Supplies needed for medical school

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10+ Year Member
Mar 29, 2013
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I'll be an incoming M1 this August, and I want to gradually purchase the things I'll need for the first two years so I can look for sales and such, and I Just wanted some input on weather or not I have forgotten anything. My school provides a diagnostic kit, stethoscope, and one pair of scrubs I believe. I'm not sure if they provide anything else.

So here it is:
  • The cheapest pair of scrubs I can find (to be discarded after finishing anatomy)
  • Heavy duty stapler
  • Heavy duty 3 hole punch
  • Printer
  • New computer (mine is 4 years old and getting pretty slow)
  • Router
  • Mr. Coffee coffee pot
  • Single cup drip coffee filter
  • Bose QuietComfort 25 Noise Cancelling Headphones
  • Name tag for stethoscope
  • Netters anatomy
  • Grant's dissector
  • Furnature, dishes, etc. for new apartment

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this isn't highschool..why do you have a shopping list of things? lol
Before you buy that expensive A** headphones, make sure you can actually utilize it. I bought it for my fiance like an idiot I am, and he was having lots of vertigo / nausea from it. Had to return it.