Switching major from medical humanities to aviation science

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Dec 31, 2017
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Hey everyone, currently I'm a student at Baylor majoring in medical humanities. Ive been thinking about switching my major to aviation science because, while medical school is my primary goal, aviation has also always been a passion of mine. My concern is medical schools might not like a major in aviation as much as a major in medical humanities. While I'm not concerned about getting into medical school, I'm honors at Baylor, having a major in aviation will give me a back up if for some reason I don't get into medical school. I don't know what'd I do with a major in medical humanities if I didn't get in and graduating in aviation gives me a commercial pilots license. I also already almost have my private pilots license from flying I did during HS. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

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Med schools don't care what you major in, as long as you complete the pre-requisites and show that you can handle the rigors of medical school. I will say that aviation sounds like a trade/job degree which can be looked down upon. Are there classes like physics and engineering to understand the science behind flight or classes just pertaining to flying (more vocational things)?
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Hey everyone, currently I'm a student at Baylor majoring in medical humanities. Ive been thinking about switching my major to aviation science because, while medical school is my primary goal, aviation has also always been a passion of mine. My concern is medical schools might not like a major in aviation as much as a major in medical humanities. While I'm not concerned about getting into medical school, I'm honors at Baylor, having a major in aviation will give me a back up if for some reason I don't get into medical school. I don't know what'd I do with a major in medical humanities if I didn't get in and graduating in aviation gives me a commercial pilots license. I also already almost have my private pilots license from flying I did during HS. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
We don't carwe what your major or minor is, only that you do well.

An aviation science major is very unique.

+1 from me as a big aircraft buff too.
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Med schools don't care what you major in, as long as you complete the pre-requisites and show that you can handle the rigors of medical school. I will say that aviation sounds like a trade/job degree which can be looked down upon. Are there classes like physics and engineering to understand the science behind flight or classes just pertaining to flying (more vocational things)?
Yeah there's classes in physics, aerodynamics, meteorology, space weather, aviation law, etc. The degree plan is pretty balanced between hands on flying and learning in the classroom.
Spin it so that you want to become a bush doctor for underserved and remote regions of Canada, Africa and South America. Schools would eat that up.
Maybe you can be an airborne doctor! Or paradoctor? paratrooper-doctor? something like that
Seems like others have already given you the answer you're searching for, but I saw the words Medical Humanities and wondered if you were from Baylor or another school! Sic em from a recent Baylor MH grad :) If you're passionate in aviation science go for it! But the MH department had so many classes I loved and am so grateful for, so if you're just starting out I would recommend looking into some classes the department offers before making a decision to drop it.
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