Taking a Hybrid Class for Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Rec.

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Jun 25, 2017
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Hey... I was wondering if anyone knows if the University of South Carolina's (Columbia) Pharmacy program accepts Hybrid classes for a Pre-Rec requirement? The only option available for Organic I at the community college I am attending is a hybrid class. The lab/tests would be in person, but everything else would be online. I can't find anything about USC's admission requirements as far as what types of classes are accepted.


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It's fine. It won't say it on the transcript. You don't have to worry.
Hey... I was wondering if anyone knows if the University of South Carolina's (Columbia) Pharmacy program accepts Hybrid classes for a Pre-Rec requirement? The only option available for Organic I at the community college I am attending is a hybrid class. The lab/tests would be in person, but everything else would be online. I can't find anything about USC's admission requirements as far as what types of classes are accepted.

Previous answer seems accurate. You can also call USC SOP and ask.

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Ask the school directly. Usually they don't care as long as the labs meet in person.
Are you going to attend the Pharmcy program at south university?
Hey... I was wondering if anyone knows if the University of South Carolina's (Columbia) Pharmacy program accepts Hybrid classes for a Pre-Rec requirement? The only option available for Organic I at the community college I am attending is a hybrid class. The lab/tests would be in person, but everything else would be online. I can't find anything about USC's admission requirements as far as what types of classes are accepted.
