Taking a semester off?

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7+ Year Member
Nov 9, 2015
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Answer to taking semester off was given below, by goro.

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REL: the bolded? No. It's a pre-med urban legend that you have to complete UG in 4 year, sans breaks.

Very sorry to hear of your home situation. I advise you strongly to focus on your metal health, and make good choices. Do NOT try to bulldoze your way through any semester when you are not at your best. That's what Ws are for.

I would look stronger as I would not have any breaks?

Things at home a bit stiff right now (ahem, my parents are showing all the signs of divorce... after 20 something years of marriage. Its a mess and I am personally having a hard time with this all.) I am first gen college student (and medicine) a
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REL: the bolded? No. It's a pre-med urban legend that you have to complete UG in 4 year, sans breaks.

Very sorry to hear of your home situation. I advise you strongly to focus on your metal health, and make good choices. Do NOT try to bulldoze your way through any semester when you are not at your best. That's what Ws are for.
Thanks I thought it would be ok, but I still needed to hear that. I appreciate your input! Yeah homelife is awkward to say the least.
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You're fine. Take as long as you need. Just be warned, there will be external pressure and questions arising your every moment regarding this whole process regarding your academics, when you're going to apply, and what happens if you don't get in. At least that's what I deal with and it's annoying. People just sitting on the side-line waiting for you to make a mistake and fail.

If you do take a semester off, get involved with loads of volunteering. Do something productive.
You're fine. Take as long as you need. Just be warned, there will be external pressure and questions arising your every moment regarding this whole process regarding your academics, when you're going to apply, and what happens if you don't get in. At least that's what I deal with and it's annoying. People just sitting on the side-line waiting for your time to make mistake and fail.
You could benefit from some Halp.
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You're fine. Take as long as you need. Just be warned, there will be external pressure and questions arising your every moment regarding this whole process regarding your academics, when you're going to apply, and what happens if you don't get in. At least that's what I deal with and it's annoying. People just sitting on the side-line waiting for you to make a mistake and fail.

If you do take a semester off, get involved with loads of volunteering. Do something productive.
Yeah that's what I have planned. I plan on picking up another part time job and putting even more volunteer time in.
Maybe with all this time I'll study for the MCAT... try to get a perrrrfect score. :rolleyes:
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Easy decision. The 1250 is nothing in the scheme of things. Get yourself in a good mindset. Talking to someone is a very good idea. Take time off if you need it.

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