Taking a Semester off

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5+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2017
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Will medical school look down upon this? is this a bad idea? IF i took a semester off i could save enough money to where i dont have to take out parent plus loans. My parents aren't contributing at all to my schooling(never have) and all i get are loans from fafsa, that arent enough to cover my full expense. I'm living at home and commuting to school.

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Will medical school look down upon this? is this a bad idea? IF i took a semester off i could save enough money to where i dont have to take out parent plus loans. My parents aren't contributing at all to my schooling(never have) and all i get are loans from fafsa, that arent enough to cover my full expense. I'm living at home and commuting to school.
Depends on the reason why an applicant takes the semester off. In your case, it would not be viewed negatively. Good luck
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