This is from the OTCAS website:
"Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
If your GRE scores are available at the time you apply, you must enter your scores in the spaces provided.
GRE Scores can be submitted electronically to OTCAS directly from ETS using a special OT program-specific OTCAS GRE code. PAPER COPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTED. There is not one OTCAS GRE code; each OT program has it’s own code, which is different than the school’s regular GRE code. If you select a code to have your scores sent to, only the school with that code can see your scores.
Official GRE scores from ETS can be received by OTCAS at any point during the application cycle, even after your application has been submitted or verified. However, some programs may have a deadline by which they want your scores posted.
IMPORTANT: Once your Official GRE scores are attached to your application, they can NOT be removed should you decide you no longer want your schools to view them. Determine whether you would like your GRE scores to be a part of your OTCAS application BEFORE requesting them to be sent.
Not all OT programs have an OTCAS ETS code. Review the list below to determine if your OT program has an OTCAS code. If it does, use this code to request your scores. If your OT program is NOT on this list, contact them directly to determine how they would like you to report your GRE scores."
Hope it helps! 🙂