taking organic lecture and lab different semesters

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15+ Year Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Wouuld it look bad to ADCOM's if I take organic lecture fall and spring, and the labs the following summer? Would it make any difference? Thanks,


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Why would it make difference if as long as you still took it? I have a few friends who are taking the labs at separate times due to their busy schedules - I don't think it should be any problem.
Wouuld it look bad to ADCOM's if I take organic lecture fall and spring, and the labs the following summer? Would it make any difference? Thanks,


this is what i did and it went just fine. also, i couldnt imagine an adcom viewing that negatively - that would just be silly.
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It should not be a problem so as long you fulfill the requirements by the time you matriculate for medical school.

I have seen friends do it and have no problem succeeding in their respective courses. However, I have seen other complain about having to go back over their lecture notes from either the previous semester or year in order to understand what they are doing for the coming week's lab. So, it should not be looked at negatively. Like I said, however, you may feel a little bit incovenienced having to read up on your lecture notes to know and understand what you are doing.
I think its better to take it after b/c then you already know the material and the lab tests should be easier for ya.