Taking summer classes at different Universitys.. Do Opt schools care?

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Aug 2, 2007
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I have just been e-mailing back and forth with SCCO admissions and I found out that they dont not like a certain aspect of my situation.

I took Gen Chem I at my undergrad university.
I took Gen Chem II at SUNY Farmingdale over the summer.

I took Physics I at a community college over the summer.
I am taking Physics II at SUNY farmingdale over the summer.

They said that they do not like when I split up a "Series" at 2 different university's and recommend that I re-take the entire series.

That is pretty frustrating and ******ed if you ask me... But I can still apply and probably get in due to my other grades etc.

My question is,
Have you encountered this?? And what OPT SCHOOLS have this same policy and what OPT schools dont??

I am now looking into NOVA, but I e-mailed and I am waiting for a response.

I have acutally began to REALLY bug out... I am terrified that this will be a problem!! :(

Thanks everyone

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I don't think you should be concerned about it. It might just be a problem for SCCO. I took my sciences classes at three different colleges and got interviews to all the schools I applied to (SCO, NOVA, UMSL).

I know for sure NOVA doesn't care because I was interviewed and accepted there. You should call Fran directly to find out about it. She takes a bit longer to reply to emails because she is very busy.
I don't think you should be concerned about it. It might just be a problem for SCCO. I took my sciences classes at three different colleges and got interviews to all the schools I applied to (SCO, NOVA, UMSL).

I know for sure NOVA doesn't care because I was interviewed and accepted there. You should call Fran directly to find out about it. She takes a bit longer to reply to emails because she is very busy.

Wow, it feeling great to hear you say that! Especially the part about NOVA. Damn thats a huge weight off my shoulders. I will definitely call Fran and find out, although right now I am in the UK, and phone calls to USA cost like 1 dollar a minute!

If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me a bit about your acceptance into NOVA and what your credentials where? (specifically the part about taking sciences at 3 diff Uni.s)

Cheers mate, you made my freaking NIGHT!!!!!!:hardy::thumbup:
scco is too picky about too many things for their own good thanks to the new admissions panel. they'll make you retake your OATs because you're 10 points below their "cutoff" for one section, or have you take 10 more classes to bring your GPA up by 0.1. i know people who've taken series at both UCs and CCs and have gotten into many schools so don't waste your time retaking the entire series. (unless you got Cs)