Retaking At A Course At a Different University

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New Member
Nov 15, 2020
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Hi! I wanted to ask if you guys know anything about Optomcas' policy on retaking a course? I am currently deciding to place the course on pass/fail because I got a C- in Organic Chem 1. Im going to have to retake the course regardless for my major requirement but I do not want the C- incorporated into the Optomcas GPA because they changed their policy. Will it be possible if I retake it at a different College/University? I emailed them and this is what they told me: "Courses should only be marked as repeated if you repeated them at the same institution. Withdrawn courses, courses taken at different schools, and taken multiple times for new credit (i.e., school band, physical education, etc.) are not considered repeated." Does this mean that I am unable to take it at a different college/university or will I still be able to? I am not sure what they mean by saying that if I retake it at a different University/college it won't count as repeated.

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