TBR Physics Ch 1 PE Passage 3 Question 20

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Feb 11, 2013
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20) Which of the following graphs represents the maximum height reached by a projectile versus its initial y-direction velocity?

I have attached the image for this question. 2013-03-31 18.57.47.jpg

I understand why it isn't Choice A and D. The correct answer is choice C. I thought it was B because as height increases velocity decreases and approaches zero. Parabola at peak is where velocity is zero so how is it choice C? Please explain.

Also - I know that Height is proportionally related to Vinitial Square so it is a parabola but which way should it be pointing. Thank you, really appreciate the help.

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20) Which of the following graphs represents the maximum height reached by a projectile versus its initial y-direction velocity?

I have attached the image for this question.View attachment 23235

I understand why it isn't Choice A and D. The correct answer is choice C. I thought it was B because as height increases velocity decreases and approaches zero. Parabola at peak is where velocity is zero so how is it choice C? Please explain.

Also - I know that Height is proportionally related to Vinitial Square so it is a parabola but which way should it be pointing. Thank you, really appreciate the help.

V(final)^2 = V(initial)^2 + 2ax. We can see that height is directly proportional to the square of the initial velocity. Option A shows a linear relationship, so it's eliminated. Options B and D show the same type of relationship between velocity and height in that at some point the increase in velocity will no longer cause an increase in maximum height (the curve levels off). Therefore, the answer must be C.
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V(final)^2 = V(initial)^2 + 2ax. We can see that height is directly proportional to the square root of the initial velocity. Option A shows a linear relationship, so it's eliminated. Options B and D show the same type of relationship between velocity and height in that at some point the increase in velocity will no longer cause an increase in maximum height (the curve levels off). Therefore, the answer must be C.

The height would be proportional to the voy^2 term (not the square root of it) therefore C is the graph of y=x^2. If it were proportional to sqroot x, then it would resemble B or D.
The height would be proportional to the voy^2 term (not the square root of it) therefore C is the graph of y=x^2. If it were proportional to sqroot x, then it would resemble B or D.

Oops, my bad. Thank you for bring it to my attention. I amended my previous post.