Temple (LKSOM) vs Einstein

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Aug 23, 2019
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Hi there, I could really use some input on deciding between these two:



- 30 min away from home, parents are strongly pushing for this one
- can live in safe part of Philly/can keep my car/more comfortable lifestyle
- beautiful new facilities
- in North Philly, a very underserved community so plenty to learn
- 80k scholarship for 4 years

in a sketchy part of Philly
- but Temple med just sold Fox Chase/seem like theyre bleeding money
- overshadowed by Penn and Jefferson in the city
- matches tend to stay local and I may want to move to Texas or Cali for residency



- still close to NYC, which I love
- definitely higher ranked than Temple and I'm worried this will matter waaaay more in the post-STEP 1 era
- more of a research powerhouse
- also nice facilities
- liked Monti as a system, also working with mainly underserved communities
- seems like their students have an easier time matching outside of the immediate NYC region

- I do not want to live in the dorms so housing option doesn't matter to me
- in the Bronx, which is boring and sketchy in some parts
- hassle to get around the area/will not be able to keep car (no proper subway lines, used to live in Brooklyn so I have a decent feel for the lifestyle)

Basically, I am wondering if 4 years in the Bronx is worth the extra academic opportunity now that STEP 1 is gone? Is it too short-term thinking to focus on living area? I love Manhattan/Brooklyn but I don't know if I would care for the Bronx.

I am interested in ER, ophtho, radiology so I'd like some input if I can still get to a competitive place from a local school like Temple. I went to undergrad in Texas and I would love to come back here for residency too, which would be a lot easier from Einstein.

Thanks so much!

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Hello! I think for you to decide, it will depend on two factors one of which you answered already:
1. Where do you want to pursue residency? If you want to potentially go to Texas or Cali for residency, I would look at the match lists between both schools and see if students match into residencies in those states. With the information that you provided, Einstein has a more leg up in terms of being able to match OOS especially considering that you want to pursue a more competitive specialty.

2. Are finances a factor? If so, then what is the difference in COA between the two schools (including aid, if any)?
Basically, I am wondering if 4 years in the Bronx is worth the extra academic opportunity now that STEP 1 is gone? Is it too short-term thinking to focus on living area? I love Manhattan/Brooklyn but I don't know if I would care for the Bronx.
if you're only con for Einstein is the location, which is also seems to be the main con for Temple as well, I think the opportunities at Einstein are worth it. Einstein is located in literally one of the safest neighborhoods in the Bronx and you won't be missing out on city life because of the express bus (a way to go directly from Einstein to Manhattan)
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Hello! I think for you to decide, it will depend on two factors one of which you answered already:
1. Where do you want to pursue residency? If you want to potentially go to Texas or Cali for residency, I would look at the match lists between both schools and see if students match into residencies in those states. With the information that you provided, Einstein has a more leg up in terms of being able to match OOS especially considering that you want to pursue a more competitive specialty.

2. Are finances a factor? If so, then what is the difference in COA between the two schools (including aid, if any)?
yea based on the match lists there Einstein has more people going out of state, and cost is roughly the same so you do get more value for your money at Einstein
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if you're only con for Einstein is the location, which is also seems to be the main con for Temple as well, I think the opportunities at Einstein are worth it. Einstein is located in literally one of the safest neighborhoods in the Bronx and you won't be missing out on city life because of the express bus (a way to go directly from Einstein to Manhattan)

That's a really good point about the express bus! The only thing is that I have to live near Einstein whereas it's easier to commute to Temple from a nicer part of town. It's just hard to get a feel for being in any of these places, interview day is always such a blur
That's a really good point about the express bus! The only thing is that I have to live near Einstein whereas it's easier to commute to Temple from a nicer part of town. It's just hard to get a feel for being in any of these places, interview day is always such a blur
Yeah in your defense downtown Philly is nice! I'm sure there are people who go to Temple who commute from other parts of town (downtown included).
The fact that STEP 1 is being phased into P/F for the first time in my year makes me so anxious that residencies are going to be become ultra-conservative in terms of taking students based on the school reputation. Does anyone have any insights on that?
That's a really good point about the express bus! The only thing is that I have to live near Einstein whereas it's easier to commute to Temple from a nicer part of town. It's just hard to get a feel for being in any of these places, interview day is always such a blur

There are people who commute to Einstein from Manhattan or another borough, it's definitely possible (though not ideal imo). I get you on the hard to get a real feel from interview day thing, so feel free to hmu if you have any q's I can help answer about Einstein (I'm an MS3 there).
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I think you should go to Einstein, esp. if you want an improved shot at Texas/Cali. The research opportunities are probably better at Einstein as well, which will be important for matching into something competitive like optho.

The fact that STEP 1 is being phased into P/F for the first time in my year makes me so anxious that residencies are going to be become ultra-conservative in terms of taking students based on the school reputation. Does anyone have any insights on that?

I think residencies that historically get good students from certain medical schools will continue to take students from those schools, despite STEP becoming p/f. For example, if a certain residency has had several Temple students over the past however many years and seen that they are consistently solid students, I doubt that a residency will just completely ignore any candidates from temple and only look at students from more prestigious schools just because STEP went p/f. Also, gotta remember, there's still STEP 2 that will produce a numerical score.
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There are people who commute to Einstein from Manhattan or another borough, it's definitely possible (though not ideal imo). I get you on the hard to get a real feel from interview day thing, so feel free to hmu if you have any q's I can help answer about Einstein (I'm an MS3 there).

Thanks – yea I'd love to reach out.
I think you should go to Einstein, esp. if you want an improved shot at Texas/Cali. The research opportunities are probably better at Einstein as well, which will be important for matching into something competitive like optho.

I think residencies that historically get good students from certain medical schools will continue to take students from those schools, despite STEP becoming p/f. For example, if a certain residency has had several Temple students over the past however many years and seen that they are consistently solid students, I doubt that a residency will just completely ignore any candidates from temple and only look at students from more prestigious schools just because STEP went p/f. Also, gotta remember, there's still STEP 2 that will produce a numerical score.

yea I agree that einstein is the better known school and that's going to count more with step1 P/F

So actually this just got a lot harder bcz Temple just offered me an 80k scholarship for the 4 years....
yea I agree that einstein is the better known school and that's going to count more with step1 P/F

So actually this just got a lot harder bcz Temple just offered me an 80k scholarship for the 4 years....
Money is important too. How important is entirely up to you.
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Yea I appreciate all the feedback! I wish there were some Temple MS4s I could speak with – I haven't met any on sdn unfortunately.
Overall it's coming out to be 80k cheaper to go to Temple, which is quite a lot of money for me right now. But it might be worth a competitive specialty placement...

Well it seems as if you're leaning towards Einstein, so long as you're content with the tuition difference. It does sound like a better option if you're looking into a competitive specialty, plus living in NYC would be cool. I'd go with Einstein.