Testing Center Complaint Deadline Missed =(

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7+ Year Member
Sep 14, 2014
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The testing center server went offline during my test (I was nearly done my break at the time but it still sucks).

The proctor got the server back on but the timer was still going, causing 10mins of lost time. He was able to reduce it to 2 mins of lost time but it was nonetheless stressful. I scored my test and complained about it in the survey section.

The proctor was super helpful and after the test, he gave a 8 digit ticket number and I assumed (wrongly) that AAMC has a option to submit this ticket number but there isn't.

To make matters worse, I didn't know I was supposed to file a complaint 5 days after my test date and am kicking myself for it.

Is it still possible to obtain acknowledgement from AAMC of this server meltdown? Idk my scores but I would like accountability on thier part. And I still don't know what to do with the ticket #.

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I agree with Gauss44.

Why do I see so many stories of computers crashing? Makes me nervous.
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Hi all,

There was construction going on, otherwise it prob wouldn't have happened.
So AAMC gave a cookie cutter response about how they can't look into concerns received more that 5 days after the exam. They conveniently forgot to mention the ticket # I mentioned.

I got my scores back and did great on the BS and PS but crappy on the VR :scared:
The glitch did happen before the VR but I still expected better than an 8.