Texas hispanic male, What are my chances?

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10+ Year Member
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Mexican American male

GPA 2.98 Sci GPA 2.96 (interesting story as to why I have a low GPA. I had a 1.87 GPA for the first two years of college due having to be the main financial provider of my family which led me to work 50-60 hours a week.)

Upward trend GPA 3.5 (over last 115 hours) and (3.7 over last 40 hours)

Non-traditional background: grew up as an undocumented immigrant. Was eligible to apply for residency at the age of 11 and waited for ten years before my application was in line to be processed. Left the US to finish the process but due to the US state department unforeseen bureaucratic red tape I was trapped in Mexico for 18 months. Apologize for the extra information but I wanted to get across my desire to serve underserved populations as a physician and believe this information is pertinent to that desire.

MCAT pending

Texas resident

Double degree in Biology and Psychology

Research assistant for Neuroscience lab for over three years (700 hours)

Fluent in Spanish

Interpreter at community clinic that primarily treats underprivileged patients

Mentored and taught underserved high school students biology and chemistry.

Volunteer tutor for ESL classes

Volunteer tutor for GED science classes

EMT-Basic volunteer for community EMS service

Shadowed orthopedic surgeon (70 hours)

Member of the Mexican American student association which allowed me to give tours and speeches to high school students about college, give stimulating speeches to large groups of people about overcoming adversity and being able to attend and succeed in college and helped sign up for DACA during workshop clinics

Tutored organic chemistry for ACS

Volunteer at Ronald McDonald House

First in family to graduate college

Strong LOR and PR

Future options: SMP, Texas Academic Fresh Start Program (not eligible as of this date)


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Without an MCAT score it's difficult to evaluate your chances. But unless you score 30+, your chances won't be great. Mexican Americans are URMs, and you have an interesting story and good ECs, but the simple fact is that most schools won't even look at an application with a <3.0 GPA.

Add "retaking Cs and below and applying to DO" to your "future options."
Appreciate the input! I definitely have and will consider DO schools, in fact it would be a privileged to attend TCOM (but unfortunately use TMDSAS GPA calculation method). I have read mixed comments on the Texas medical schools screening methods. Some say that 3.0 is the cutoff and other say that they at least look at most applicants. Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Thanks in advance
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Appreciate the input! I definitely have and will consider DO schools, in fact it would be a privileged love to attend TCOM (but unfortunately use TMDSAS GPA calculation method). I have read mixed comments on the Texas medical schools screening methods. Some say that 3.0 is the cutoff and other say that they at least look at most applicants. Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Thanks in advance

Wish I could answer that for you... All you can do at this point though is cross your fingers for a good MCAT and that someone will look deep enough to read your incredible story. Is it something you mention in the first paragraph of your personal statement?
Thank you for the input! I have mentioned it in my personal statement and regardless of what happens this cycle I will continue to battle through all the challenges.
You're so close to breaking the 3.0 barrier, maybe take a few more classes just to save yourself from the possible autoscreens?
Yes retaking classes is definitely something I plan to do in the fall as well as continue to take part in most of my EC, Thanks!