The "My 1st Rejection" Thread

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Jul 31, 2002
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I thought I'd start this up after I got the pre-secondary rejection from VCU. I feel crappy.

Just when I was buying into my parents' "Oh honey of course you'll get in somewhere!" line. I knew that it would be a total uphill battle for me but the rents were just starting to feed me some blind optimism.

Oy vey.

11 more to go! :rolleyes:

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I just got reject from VCU pre-secondary too! I thought I was the only one... Just when I thought things might be okay.. Oh well, I guess, I just hope this isn't a prediction of the future....
It's ok guys we need to keep our heads up despite the rejections. I've already been rejected pre-secondary from Stanford and I expect the same from UCSD, UCSF, UCLA and Northwestern since they haven't given me secondaries yet. If you have less than 5 pre-secondary rejections then you're better off than me.
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Is VCU = Virgina Comminwealth? I thought that was a low tier easier to get into school??
If possible, post your GPA and MCAT too...
Originally posted by Marianne11
Is VCU = Virgina Comminwealth? I thought that was a low tier easier to get into school??

NO school is easier to get into, and the admission process is a crazy, crazy game.

Two things you'll be sure of this time next year.
Originally posted by Marianne11
Is VCU = Virgina Comminwealth? I thought that was a low tier easier to get into school??

Nope, not THAT easy. They screen out ~50% of the applicants pre-secondary. VCU/MCV is rapidly moving up in the U.S. News top 60, so I'm not surprised that they seem to be handing out quite a few rejections already.

Best of luck to everyone,

Would anyone mind if I added a pre-rejection post? My files are currently 'complete' at Cornell, UPenn, JHU, and Yale, and I am now patiently waiting for my rejections.... hehe.... man, what I could have bought with that $$$ !! Shucks.

- Quid
Originally posted by Marianne11
Is VCU = Virgina Comminwealth? I thought that was a low tier easier to get into school??

:rolleyes: show some sensitivity...
Hi there,

I'm with you on my first rejection: the big heave ho from Stanford. Och well.

I wasn't being insensitive. I honestly did not know what school they were talking about. If it was Virg Comm I was shocked that they were rejected! Because according to posts/lists on SDN, that school is in the last 10 on the list meaning very lowest tier. My intent was to hear that UVC was a Stanford type school, and not Virg Comm. It is all a crap shoot, but some schools accept much lower GPAs & MCATs then others so they are in fact easier to get throught the screening process. I am shocked that they got rejected pre-secondary, and feel for them. Sorry if you misinterpreted my statement.

I was also under the impression Virg Comm did "not" screen, that was what my post was about, not how did you get rejected from a low tier school.
Also, VCU is a state school and is public. They interview about half of all Virginia instate applicants. So much harder to get in from out of state.
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Originally posted by Marianne11
I wasn't being insensitive. I honestly did not know what school they were talking about. If it was Virg Comm I was shocked that they were rejected! Because according to posts/lists on SDN, that school is in the last 10 on the list meaning very lowest tier. My intent was to hear that UVC was a Stanford type school, and not Virg Comm. It is all a crap shoot, but some schools accept much lower GPAs & MCATs then others so they are in fact easier to get throught the screening process. I am shocked that they got rejected pre-secondary, and feel for them. Sorry if you misinterpreted my statement.

um i read the first post you posted and i think i thought the same things the other ppl said. then i read this. um i mean this with the best of may want to read the above and think about how that sounds. seriously :p type it, read it over, then post. honestly i have to laugh. but hey, it was me that was rejected so...

basically you're saying that VCU is in the last 10 and easier to get into. thus those of us rejected pre-secondary must be pretty damn sucky, huh?!
Originally posted by Marianne11
Because according to posts/lists on SDN, that school is in the last 10 on the list meaning very lowest tier.

:rolleyes: Man, you've got a thing for putting your foot in your mouth repeatedly.

According to the God of all Rankings, US News:

59. (tie) University of Connecticut 55 2.7 2.9 57 3.60 9.9 9.4% N/A* 1.3 $28,180 311
Va. Commonwealth U.?Medical Col. of Va. 55 2.8 3.2 78 3.49 9.6 11.4% $55.5* 1.0 $31,356 698

Are you happy now?

I agree, that was pretty harsh, even if you didn't intend for it to sound like that.
chins up :)! just because you were rejected pre-secondary from VCU does not mean you will not have better luck at other schools! last year i was a bit shocked and depressed after being rejected by wake forest pre-secondary, but things still worked out for me in the end. it sucks to get bad news, but it will make you appreciate the good news more when it comes!
You're right, I should have elaborated. I thought it was a mistake about the rejection. I didn't mean you sucked! I meant "how could you be rejected pre-secondary when they don't screen?" The info on here regarding VCU must be really old info I guess. I should have made myself more clear. Sorry.
anyone mind telling us ur "range" of stats? like 30+ or 30- , 3.5+ or 3.5- or actual stats :)

I'll post mine...

I have a sub 30 MCAT and sub 3.5 GPA, and I got a secondary from VCU. I'm not a Virginia resident. Go figure....
Although VCU is a state school, they use their out of state students to boost up their budget. Thye take more out of state students than any other public school in this whole country.

SO if you are out of state you have a better chance of getting in. Ask all the highly qualified in state students who gave up their seat to the 67 out of state students they accepted last year.

I really dont know how they get away with accepting so many out of staters, except perhapes the $$$$$ blind the state leaders and they allow it to get the extra tuition.

Before anyone bashes me, I know first hand about all that I have typed. I have seen the ugly politics that goes on behind closed doors at VCU.
dajalyn and others who were rejected - dont let this rejection get to you. YOu will be better off going somewhere else. The competitive nature and backstabbing that goes on at MCV/VCU is not where you want to learn. I know first hand.
Good luck and think positively.
well, that is rather interesting...are you perhaps a medical student there who was on the admissions committee at one point?
I got my second to last rejection yesterday. NYU now realizes they don't have any space for me and wishes me luck in my future endeavors.
"NYU now realizes they don't have any space for me and wishes me luck in my future endeavors."

Do they stil want to be friends? :(
Originally posted by anxiousone
well, that is rather interesting...are you perhaps a medical student there who was on the admissions committee at one point?

Not a medical student, however VERY, VERY VERY close to person on the admissions committee and with the administration of VCU.

And I say again, they need to accept more in state students like all of most of the state funded schools. There are a lot of us that feel they need to overhaul their admissions process to make sure they are being fair to the people (taxpayers) that support their school monetarily.
Originally posted by jmwalker
I got my second to last rejection yesterday. NYU now realizes they don't have any space for me and wishes me luck in my future endeavors.


Did you apply to NYU for entering 2003?
About the VCU's in-state acceptances. It's my understanding that state school budgets are largely determined by the state legislature. If the state law makers set aside enough money for 100 in-state students to attend VCU, and the school has 160 seats, the school has to go out of state to fill those extra seats for out-of-state tuition.

Angry Virginian Premeds need to call their local representatives.....
Angry pre-meds:mad: were part of a complaint to the representatives, however during a budget crisis year those pre-meds were ignored with a "thank you for bringing this issue up to us. We shall discuss it at another time."+pissed+ We just weren't loved that year.:(

Classes start tomorrow. Yippee, i love the first day of school :love:
I'm sorry your plea to the state "career politicians" went unheard..... I guess I shouldn't complain about the 15 out-of-staters that are accepted to my state school because it could be worse.
Originally posted by dara678

Did you apply to NYU for entering 2003?

For entering this fall. So, yeah - lol. Still waiting for Columbia's post-waitlist rejection.
Don't be too discouraged. It is still very early in the admissions process for 2004. Some of it really doesn't make sense. Last year I was rejected presecondary by UCSD and UC Davis, but I got secondaries from places like Stanford (later rejected post secondary), OHSU (accepted as an out-of-stater) and UCSF (where I will be going). Yeah. Go figure.