Third time's the charm? WAMC C/o 2029

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5+ Year Member
Apr 11, 2018
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26 y/o F, non-traditional, LA resident

My primary interests are exotic companion animals and wildlife with special focus on infectious diseases. I spoke about how I love that I can practice clinically but then do research down the line as I really enjoy both. I mentioned a lot my interests in the ideas behind One Health and hoping to contribute to that mission. I think that's the only reason K-State didn't outright reject me.

Applied: LSU, UMN, tOSU (rejected all 3), K-State (interview alternate)
Considering next year?: Iowa, VMCVM, Colorado

Undergrad Cumulative GPA: 3.26
Graduate GPA: 3.66
Science GPA: 3.15
Last 45: 3.51
My cGPA isn't going to move since I got a D+ in calculus freshman year.

B.S., Wildlife Ecology; Minor in Sociology
M.S., Microbiology and Cell Science (in progress) Didn't complete this program as I didn't feel I would use it if I didn't get into vet school. Also schools (UMN and LSU) told me to focus on repeating prereqs instead of pursuing a master's.

Veterinary Experience: (6000+ hrs)
- Mixed animal (SA/exotics/avian) Vet Asst: 1200+ hrs
- Lab Research Associate 3: 1000 hrs
- Lab RA 1/Necropsy Tech: 2400 hrs
- Small animal Vet Tech: 1300 hrs
- Overnight ER tech: 100 hrs
- Wildlife Sanctuary w/ Vet: 5 hrs

Animal Hours: (800-ish hrs)
- Fostering neonate kittens and elderly cats: 70 hrs
- Kennel Tech: 200 hrs
- Cat Rescue: 50 hrs
- Wildlife Sanctuary: 90 hrs
- Raptor Rehab: 8 hrs
- Exotic Pet Rescues: 40 hrs
- Police Horse Clean-up: 5 hrs
- Pet-Setting: 200 hrs
- Pilling Sick Personal Pets: 65 hrs (Separated because I've had ill pocket pets that needed daily medication for months, palliative care)

Non-Animal Volunteer Experience: (~200 hrs)
- Planting trees around university campus for Earth Day: 3 hrs
- Hospital shadowing program: 120hrs
- Renovating the local library's YA section Committee member: 40hrs
- Various local marathons for a cause: 18hrs
- Shadowing an OBGYN: 6hrs
- Local "get healthy" fair set-up and face-painting: 5hrs

- Dean's List (2 semesters)
- HS AP Scholar Award (2 yrs)
- HS First Chair Flute/Piccolo (1 yr)
- HS 3rd Place District English III (1 yr)
- HS Highest Average Award in Honors Biology, Art I, and Talented Art IV

Certifications: Fear Free, Safe Space, Forklift operation (for vet school disposals!)

- LGBTQ+ Faculty Caucus: 1 yr
- Local Cactus & Succulents club: 3 yrs
- Pre-Vet Club member: 2 yrs
- Wildlife Club member: 3 yrs
- Wildlife Club Treasurer: 1 yr
- Exotic Animal Club member: 2 yrs
- LGBTQ+ undergrad club: 4 yrs
- PreMed Honor Society: 1 semester
- HS Key Club Treasurer: 1 yr
- HS Beta Club member: 2 yrs
- HS Student Council Treasurer: 1 yr
- HS Anime Club :bag:: 2 yrs

Employment: (~2600 hrs)
- Environmental/GIS Analyst: 1 yr
- Ag Chemistry Lab Assistant: 3 years
- Student worker: 1 yr
- Barista: 1 yr
- Cashier: 2 yrs

eLORs: 2 small animal/exotic vets, professor/academic advisor of my B.S., veterinary pathologist I worked with (4 total)

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Take my advice with a grain of salt because I 100% have not gotten in this year (yet...😰), but I would definitely recommend applying to iowa next cycle! I had a much lower GPA (and Iowa only focuses on last 45 and pre-req) and I got on the alternate list a cycle ago. Not sure how you feel about mississippi state but they seem to be a bit more holistic in their selections as well.

I would also just caution you that Colorado has been insaneeee for the number of apps they have been getting every year (like 4K+), so the odds of getting in are very slim for OOS. If you're fine with the high possibility of not getting in and spending the money to apply, then that's fine (I applied to a lot of school's this year and colorado was one of them. i had saved up to apply to a lot of schools since i told myself this was the last time. so i knew i'd probably just be throwing that money away to apply to them but i've seen stranger things happen and i really like their vet school so it was worth it to me even if it might seem foolish to others!! 🙂 )

Is this your first time applying? Your GPAs are almost what mine are right now and I've received 4 interview invites this cycle (technically my fourth application cycle and the one time my GPAs have been the highest they've ever been).

Are you retaking all the classes you received a C or lower in (I know you mentioned doing some retakes)? Iowa does take the higher grade so my GPAs for them are incredibly high this cycle! I believe there are a few others schools that also take the higher of the 2 grades.

Otherwise, I would make sure people are reviewing your essays and personal statements, make sure to ask for application reviews where possible (I think you said tOSU was a school you applied to, I have heard that they give a very nice personalized form that kind of let's you know how your application was graded, I would make sure to ask for that as well.)

Overall, I just wanted to say, as another non-traditional, I believe in you!! <3
I would definitely recommend applying to iowa next cycle!
I'm definitely adding them this next cycle! The only gripe I have is that they want me to retake OChem since they won't honor my school's offered non-College of Science version of OChem I took. (My school had 2 versions of OChem: two sequence for College of Science majors, and a singular course for College of Agriculture majors.)
I would also just caution you that Colorado has been insaneeee for the number of apps they have been getting every year (like 4K+), so the odds of getting in are very slim for OOS.
More bc I would hate if I didn't at least try! The odds are slim to none, but you can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket I guess?
Is this your first time applying?
This is my 2nd time actually submitting! I've worked on my vmcas app every year since 2020.
Are you retaking all the classes you received a C or lower in (I know you mentioned doing some retakes)? Iowa does take the higher grade so my GPAs for them are incredibly high this cycle! I believe there are a few others schools that also take the higher of the 2 grades.
I retook Chem I and considering taking more! (I love chemistry but I accidentally skipped an exam due to personal reasons and tanked my A+ to a C instantly...) The only other science course C's I have are in Bio II (most schools I'm applying to let me sub a higher level bio to replace this), Physics I, and 2 courses specific to my B.S. that would be reallly difficult for me to retake (Wildlife Techniques and Fisheries Management). Other than that, I'm a pretty solid B-student. I have almost 90 credits included in my sGPA...
Overall, I just wanted to say, as another non-traditional, I believe in you!! <3
Thank you so much for the thorough response! I really appreciate the feedback.
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Quite literally have no clue why you haven’t had an acceptance or at least interviews especially at tOSU and UMN. You are a strong applicant. Have you had others read over your personal statement and essays?

I know you don’t have “outstanding” GPAs, but neither did I and neither do a lot of others. You have a lot of really good involvement and hours, etc.
Quite literally have no clue why you haven’t had an acceptance or at least interviews especially at tOSU and UMN.
I'll have to see about tOSU but UMN I didn't make it past the first round (academic), so it was my GPA that got me sadly. Last year, l did a folder review with them and they agreed my app was good, esp if I was IS (alas I'm OOS)
You are a strong applicant. Have you had others read over your personal statement and essays?
I have, but I'm always open to improving them! Just sucks that I don't make it past the academic/GPA cut-off since these schools are getting "record numbers of applications" every year...
B.S., Wildlife Ecology; Minor in Sociology
M.S., Microbiology and Cell Science (in progress) Didn't complete this program as I didn't feel I would use it if I didn't get into vet school. Also schools (UMN and LSU) told me to focus on repeating prereqs instead of pursuing a master's.
Update! Got some feedback from programs I applied to. tOSU's only critiques were raising GPA and more leadership nothing new! 😅 LSU told me they want to see continued success in higher-level courses, so now I'm quite torn on what to do. Do I keep spending the money on a master's or do I keep taking pre-reqs to apply to more schools???? (i.e., OChem II, Physics II Lab, Cell Bio)

Or do I pursue one of those vet master's like LMU, CSU, and UIUC offer???? If anyone sees this, please advise!
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Or do I pursue one of those vet master's like LMU, CSU, and UIUC offer???? If anyone sees this, please advise!

Hi! If you have questions about LMU’s masters program, you can message me! My roommate who also was in the masters program with me (both got into LMU at the same time) applied for the CSU master program and never heard back until she started LMU’s and was waitlisted. Which she also never got off the waitlist so something to consider! I almost applied to the toxicology masters program at CSU.
Bumping this because I didn't want to start a new thread. I'm feeling very anxious and defeated this cycle. My undegrad GPA went up to a 3.28 (yay!) but my last 45 GPA has gone down to a 3.31 (REALLY upset by this). I'm over the threshold for a really good semester I had, so my crappier post-grad semesters are weighing more heavily :sorry: Not much else has changed experiences-wise except more mixed animal GP.

I was only able to apply to UMN and KSU this cycle due to finances. Maybe I'll have good news this year!
I lost my IS residency in LA. Now my IS's TX but they're very GPA heavy, so I didn't apply :bag:
How do you say this, but then
More bc I would hate if I didn't at least try! The odds are slim to none, but you can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket I guess?
also say this in regards to CSU?

There is no reason to not at least try for IS tuition, especially when you were throwing app money at schools with extremely low odds.

I absolutely think if you don’t get in anywhere you need to try the TX schools especially since they are so in state friendly. 100% worth the money difference!!!!!
There is no reason to not at least try for IS tuition, especially when you were throwing app money at schools with extremely low odds.
Haha that's true! However, I'm also in a very different financial state right now, so that limited to me only applying to 2 schools covered by fee waivers. I'll keep this in mind if I apply again!
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I lost my IS residency in LA. Now my IS's TX but they're very GPA heavy, so I didn't apply :bag:
A&M takes like 90% of it's class from the in state pool, it's absolutely worth applying. I have a lower cGPA than you, lower BCPM, and I applied because it's my IS.