Third year: really better?

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Nah, I could see that. 90% of my time on peds was spent calculating urine output in ml/kg/hr and trying to read my attending's mind on what antibiotic they thought tasted the best. Not really educationally useful for an anesthesiologist, or any specialty, for that matter.


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I've barely started and I already don't think I'm going to like it. So far it seems wayyy political and I always feel like I'm just starting a new job... Learning the environment, meeting people, making impressions, and you can't really do anything important or fun yet. It's like starting a new job, over and over, for a year. All the patients seem to act like they're doing you a favor for letting you in on their care...which I understand, but I don't enjoy it. And I'm definitely not comfortable with how subjective all the grading/evals are. That's been a lot more stressful to me than sitting around at home studying or podcasting lectures. Maybe I'm just noticing the negatives because I'm like 100% set on a particular specialty so I'm just there to kind of clock in and learn what I can. I don't know. Can't wait for it to be over though.

I'm also not really a morning person so that's been a big adjustment :sleep:
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Alright, so some of our third- and fourth years have told us that M3 is a whole new kind of suck, but that it's still better than M1/M2 in its own way. Have seen lots of SDN posts saying the same.

For the M3s / new M4s: what do you think?

3rd year is practical. It's like 'acting' doc, cos u ain't qualified yet. If u like a hands-on approach to medicine, then u'll enjoy it. If u're the academically-oriented person, then u might prefer the theoretic classes of M2. But M3 is what u really need to be a doctor in the real sense of the word.