Thoughts On Old MCAT Practice Questions (EK 1001) for Gen Chem & Bio?

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Jul 30, 2019
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I recently got unused old EK 1001 books (between 2010 and 2012 I think) for MCAT Gen Chem and Biology. I won't be taking the MCAT for another year, but I finished gen chem and gen bio sequences, and want to keep the content sharp before I start actual MCAT prep, which is after I take all my prereqs (physics, orgo, and biochem remaining).

Are these questions worth doing, even if they're for the old MCAT?

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I wouldn’t expect it to benefit you significantly as you will lose track of silly things that are on the new test and also might bias yourself into the question types presented on the old test. I recommend reading novel research articles for topics you are interested in as silly as that may sound. Get used to reading **** you don’t understand, google some of the lab methods these articles use and just get better at reading and understanding scientific content. MCAT studying is best done in a single strong thrust imho
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Probably not. While there's a lot of overlap, you'll end up studying stuff you don't need and miss things that you do need by using old books.

Kevin W, MCAT Tutor
Med School Tutors
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I found after taking my MCAT that old material didn’t end up being very helpful. They redesigned the MCAT and just bc the old material is MCAT as well doesn’t mean it’s relevant
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