Tips for studying?


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10+ Year Member
Feb 17, 2012
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I am in highschool.
I am currently taking Honors Lab bio and Honors Geometry and Honors English.
I wanted some tips to study for Lab Biology and Geometry.Our geometry teacher is the kind of teacher that thinks cause we are honors he will not teach anything. Maybe one example. And his tests are problems we never have talked about. The tests are worth 65% of my grade. I usually do fine but want some tips.:D

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1. Read the chapters that the tests will be over.
2. Write down important information
3. Review your notes.
4. Get A's
5. ??????
6. Profit.

That's really everything that you need to do. If your lecture notes are good enough, you could skip 1 and 2. It's still high school, you'll be fine.

Edit: I realized you were talking about more than bio. Steps for Geometry.

1. Make an equation sheet for each chapter.
2. Memorize sheet.
3. Get A's
4. I don't think that you're allowed to use the profit meme more than once per post.
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