Tips on Finding a Good Residency

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Aug 31, 2021
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Hi all! Starting to generally scratch the surface with residency and a bit unsure how to go about it. Obviously can use websites, but I feel like they don't get the tiny details. How do you know if it's more hospital vs office based (with the exception of it being titled GPR vs AEGD)? How can you tell if they are more OS heavy? For example, I know i'd like to place implants and want to go to a residency that specializes in that. What's a good number to apply to?

Any tips for starting this process would be helpful!!

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You email them and talk to the director and current/past residents
Here's a good starting point but there are lots of threads on SDN about various GPRs/AEGDs however as program directors change, the quality of the program will likely change for better or worse.

I'd find a handful of programs that you're really interested in and then email the director to set up a visit. Best time is March-May the year you apply so that you can talk to the current residents once they're in the full swing of things. If you visit in July-August once the new cohort starts, they won't be able to share much about their actual experience. Talking to current/past residents is gonna be the best way to assess what procedures they commonly do.
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try to reach out to current/past residents.

you can use social media like dental nachos for this. I find that when you are at the school itself, most will try to paint with a positive light so they won't tell you the truth of the situation.
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Nothing beats an in person visit!

(An in person visit also tells the people at the program you have genuine interest.)
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