tough physics problem

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A runner hopes to complete the 10,000 m run in less than 30 min. After exactly 27 min there are still 1100 m to go. The runner must then acceleratie at .2m/s2 for how many seconds in order to achieve the desired time?


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is this out of giancoli?

The runner has to cover the ending 1100 in 180s, If he accelerates in that time it will be
and the distance covered during the acceleration will be
Remaining DIstance:

convert to quadratic equation and you get t=3.1s
A runner hopes to complete the 10,000 m run in less than 30 min. After exactly 27 min there are still 1100 m to go. The runner must then acceleratie at .2m/s2 for how many seconds in order to achieve the desired time?

Vo= ((10,000m-1100m)/(27minuts * 60 seconds))(We assume it is constant velocity) = 5.49 m/s

A= .2 m/s^2

The magic equation you are looking for is
D= Vo*t+(1/2)*a*t^2





Solve for t and that is your answer
good god, I can already tell I'm going to suck when it comes time to take Physics next semester
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fpr85 said:
good god, I can already tell I'm going to suck when it comes time to take Physics next semester
Dont let it scare you. You just take one step at a time when solving physics problems.
this problem still gives me problems and in the text it is considered one of the hardest in the unit. fyi:)
Believe me man it gets easier after you read the book. This problem is going to be laughable after the first two weeks of class...or atleast the first semester.