Touro NV Rotation Sites?

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Jul 21, 2020
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I'm having some trouble figuring out how exactly rotations work with TUNCOM. Looked online and the school doesn't provide a list of institutions it has agreements with (how other schools tend to do it) and the guide I found made it seem as though I have to find it myself. How exactly does it work? Do TUN students have guaranteed spots at hospitals for their rotations?

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Current OMS-I there. 3rd year rotations are mostly assigned. We have agreements with a couple Vegas hospitals. 4th year rotations are mostly electives. I believe for the electives you're picking off a list unless there's something unique you want to do. 4th year gives us the opportunity to get more experience in our preferred specialties, which helps with our ability to match and work where we want. They don't just leave us to fend for ourselves, if that's what you're asking. If you have any other questions I recommend contacting them directly. I'm in my first year so not intimately acquainted with the process.