TPR physical science Review?

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Jul 5, 2007
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Is there a difference between the 2005 and 2007 edition?

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as a general rule, review books RARELY have big changes. the only recent changes that are likely are in organic chemistry material.
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The reason I'm considering TPR hyperlearning is because I recently bought the new kaplan Gen chemistry book and it is very descriptive and doesn't really explain the concepts.
Has anyone else tried Kaplan General Chemistry content review? Also, how is EK inorganic Chem review book. I have their bio book but don't like it too much.
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The reason I'm considering TPR hyperlearning is because I recently bought the new kaplan Gen chemistry book and it is very descriptive and doesn't really explain the concepts.
Has anyone else tried Kaplan General Chemistry content review? Also, how is EK inorganic Chem review book. I have their bio book but don't like it too much.

First, it is better to have the current edition of an MCAT review book. You don't want any surprises on your MCAT exam. I guess it really depends on how determined you are on getting an excellent mark. To be on the safe side i would recomend getting a 2010 edition such as the Kaplan book or the Gold Standard MCAT 2010.

i tried the kaplan one and the EK one as well. I also tried the Gold standard one. To be honest the best one i found to be helpful was the gold standard, but i used the videos, which are really helpful. To me, it is easier to understand things when a doctor is actaully showing it to me step by step. I first tried kaplan and ek and i found them to be crappy. Well, i will let you decide for yourself. Go to MCAT-BOOKSTORE.COM and either click on mcat videos or click on chemistry review online. I took the online one because it was truly amazing but more expensive, yet the dvd was also helpful, however i didnt use it my girlfriend did.

The reason I'm considering TPR hyperlearning is because I recently bought the new kaplan Gen chemistry book and it is very descriptive and doesn't really explain the concepts.
Has anyone else tried Kaplan General Chemistry content review? Also, how is EK inorganic Chem review book. I have their bio book but don't like it too much.

LoL, why haven't the Gold Standard trolls been banned already?

Anyway, if you're looking for a solid Gen Chem. review, I would recommend The Berkeley Review-best Gen. Chem. review manual EVER. But if you're just looking for a general review, TPR is good as well.

I've tried both EK and Kaplan for review before I picked up TBR. EK is decent, not descriptive at all. I would probably breeze through it after reading TBR. If you're good at Chem. and are just looking to brush up on concepts, then go with EK (or TPR, but TPR is more detailed).

So, TBR would be very detailed, TPR would be detailed, and EK wouldn't be detailed (relatively speaking).

And, Kaplan just sucked IMO.
To answer the original question posed, the difference between the 2005 and 2007 book is not huge but there are differences.

Major work was done on the 2008 books which was further refined for 2009.