Transferring vet schools

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Nov 25, 2013
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Does anyone have any experience transferring vet schools? I'm currently at SGU looking to transfer into a US school. I've applied to WSU, NC, VA/MD, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. So far I've only heard back from NC and I was denied. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

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There are only a few that do it consistently...and it really depends on the year and their present class size. That said...I know of a few people who have transferred into Cornell, Tufts, and TN.
We have a couple of transfers in our class. I cant give you much advice on the process, but at least I know its possible!
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Hi I am a first term student also looking into transferring. Its harder for me because in got accepted in the January class so i don't have a year under my belt. but im still applying. any schools you guys recommend? im so far applying to kansas and iowa because im into bovine. everywhere else doesn't accept or they need me to finish a year. also having a hard time with the essay. I honestly just want to be back in the states to be closer to home and I really want to concentrate in dairy and that's really hard here on the island. Thanks!
I guess I should update on this post! I was accepted as a transfer to Kansas for the spring semester, as well as 2 other students from SGU and 2 students from Ross. I'm not sure if these are these transfer numbers are normal for Kansas or not but I believe it is highly dependant on how many spots opened up from the previous semester. With that said, I was denied at every other school I applied to because there were no openings. I love it in Kansas though, not sure how big the dairy industry is out here but there is definitely a lot of beef farms. For my essays I just researched each school I applied to and wrote about why it appealed to me. Hope that helps!
Thanks so much! The essay part is the only thing holding me back because I suck at writing. Is it ok if it's straight to point and convincing or do they expect another personal statement type of deal? That's great about Kansas, by the way! I really hope they have openings but we'll see.
My letter of intent was nothing like my personal statement, although I did write about why I thought I would exceed at the school I was writing it for. As long as your letter shows that you did your research about the school I think you'll be OK. I know for Kansas we were told they look at GPA the most
So I officially decided to apply to Iowa, Kansas and VA-MD (Tufts said SGU's curriculum was too different) . How was the process like exactly (after sending all the material in)? did you hear back right after the semester ended (like around June)? i guess I just want to know what to expect if, hopefully, a spot becomes open.
I heard from Kansas on January 2nd I think, and I heard from Iowa around the same time. For VA-MD they had us email them the week the semester ended and they replied back to us about availability.
thanks! yeah, i just sent my letter of intent to VA-MD and they said to contact them after the semester is over. was there availability when you applied here or to iowa?
No there was no availability at VA-MD or Iowa :( But that will be different each semester. Good luck!
So I officially decided to apply to Iowa, Kansas and VA-MD (Tufts said SGU's curriculum was too different) . How was the process like exactly (after sending all the material in)? did you hear back right after the semester ended (like around June)? i guess I just want to know what to expect if, hopefully, a spot becomes open.

Hey, I'm at SGU in my first term (started in January) and I'm trying to transfer for the fall. I applied to Kansas and I'm going to email VA-MD at the end of this week to see about their availabilities. How did things work out for you (if you're still on this site haha)? I don't mind SGU, I would just rather be back in the US. Did you wind up transferring? If so, what was the process like?