Transition from preclinical to clinical (M2 to M3)

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How well did your medical school prepare you to move from preclinical to clinical training? M2 -> M3

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Feb 12, 2025
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I did a dual MD/PhD program about 20 years ago (yikes). I had an extremely hard time transitioning back from the lab into the clinic, i.e., research years back to M3. Do medical schools do a better job preparing students now than they did back then? I'm interested in responses from all students, not just fellow mudphuds.

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I think the M2-M3 transition can be more challenging than the M4-intern year transition since if you've gone straight through college to med school up to that point you've just been a student, and now suddenly you're being judged for things that have nothing to do with studying for a test.
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I think the M2-M3 transition can be more challenging than the M4-intern year transition since if you've gone straight through college to med school up to that point you've just been a student, and now suddenly you're being judged for things that have nothing to do with studying for a test.
I agree. After my sub-I in fourth year I felt reasonably prepared to start internship. It was the move into third year that was monstrously challenging.
Kind of depends on the person and rotation more than the school, imo.

If you go straight from Step 1 grind to surgery rotation, you're gonna have a bad time. I started out on outpatient peds, which was a really good way of getting my feet wet without being overwhelmed and I felt I transitioned really well because of that.
Kind of depends on the person and rotation more than the school, imo.

If you go straight from Step 1 grind to surgery rotation, you're gonna have a bad time. I started out on outpatient peds, which was a really good way of getting my feet wet without being overwhelmed and I felt I transitioned really well because of that.
That's a good point.
At my school, the MD/PhDs did a 3rd year rotation or two right after M2, then to PhD world, then back to finish off M3 clinicals. I think that helps them at least get their feet wet and maybe help a bit for when they come back down the road.
I did my clinical yr (m3) before doing my PhD (just explained to my MSTP director why I wanted to do something different). I thought that was a better use of my time for my future self. I don't regret it. I just had to plan coming back a bit more and start out on an elective before jumping into sub-I's and aways.