Trinity VS SJSM

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Nov 11, 2019
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I am wanting to get current/previous students opinions with both schools. I have read through almost every thread mentioning these two schools and have mostly seen people bashing caribbean. I do not want to debate going caribbean vs reapplying and all that. I am just wanting to hear from former and current student of the schools! Please do not just comment links to threads because I have read them and obviously did not find them very useful. Thank you!

Some questions I have are....
How did the school help prepare you for Caribbean life?
If Trinity, did you get a loan through the school?
If you have graduated, how was residency matching and UMSLE step 1?

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Does it really matter? You're either going to listen to all the smart people telling you its a bad idea or you're going to flip a coin and hope for the best. If you thought being an IMG was bad before just wait until step 1 is P/F.
If you truly want to only speak with grads of these schools, the admin of either school will gladly set you up with the contact info of their doctors but keep in my their selection bias. If you live near a large hospital system e.g. Kaiser, then you can do a google search like "Trinity school of medicine" and see if they have docs from those schools. Then just contact them to see if they'd talk to you about it. Won't give you my full thoughts on these 2 carb in particular, but you aren't doing any favors by choosing these smaller schools vs the larger ones is all I'll say.
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I am wanting to get current/previous students opinions with both schools. I have read through almost every thread mentioning these two schools and have mostly seen people bashing caribbean. I do not want to debate going caribbean vs reapplying and all that. I am just wanting to hear from former and current student of the schools! Please do not just comment links to threads because I have read them and obviously did not find them very useful. Thank you!

Some questions I have are....
How did the school help prepare you for Caribbean life?
If Trinity, did you get a loan through the school?
If you have graduated, how was residency matching and UMSLE step 1?
What are your stats
I am wanting to get current/previous students opinions with both schools. I have read through almost every thread mentioning these two schools and have mostly seen people bashing caribbean. I do not want to debate going caribbean vs reapplying and all that. I am just wanting to hear from former and current student of the schools! Please do not just comment links to threads because I have read them and obviously did not find them very useful. Thank you!

Some questions I have are....
How did the school help prepare you for Caribbean life?
If Trinity, did you get a loan through the school?
If you have graduated, how was residency matching and UMSLE step 1?

In terms of preparing you for Caribbean life, SJSM has a buddy program for incoming students in which MD2 students are buddied up with incoming MD1 students. They can help you out with housing suggestions etc.
In terms of preparing you for Caribbean life, SJSM has a buddy program for incoming students in which MD2 students are buddied up with incoming MD1 students. They can help you out with housing suggestions etc.

Reading this gave me secondary embarrassment.
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