U. Michigan vs U. Chicago

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I have been reading these types of posts for over a year now and I figured it was finally time to sully my good name and join in...

I *might* end up having to choose between UChicago and UMichigan. I really don't even know what questions are relevant to ask myself when deciding between these two so any help/opinions/blantant rumor-mongering is totally appreciated.

I'm not in state for UM so money is not a major factor. I do not have a burning desire for any specific field (save medical ethics, but I don't know if I'll ever really get to hang with Dr. Siegler at UChicago). I do like city life, but I'm from Chicago(burbs) and went to HS downtown so it won't be all that novel. I'm a Notre Dame fan, so I will continually get beer thrown on me and my kerry green tshirts at UM football games. (As you can tell, my thoughts aren't that focused...)

Thanks for any help you guys can offer as I try to discern the right choice.

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Chicago is much much much more difficult to get into.

And its in Chicago.

Michigan= Ann Arbor=boring
Originally posted by Deuteronomy
Chicago is much much much more difficult to get into.

And its in Chicago.

Michigan= Ann Arbor=boring

Why would you think so?
I think U of Chicago is really selective in terms of who they accept. Good stats and EC's don't guarantee anything. Not sure about U Mich though.

One more vote for Pritzker.
people can argue this back and forth all day. whoever said that UMich is easy to get into compared to Chicago (especially out of state)...well I just have no idea where you're comin from with that. take a peak at the MSAR.

to the OP: I hate Notre Dame. I mean, I really really hate them. but you sound like you like to booze, and that makes it a little bit better (nobody's known for drinking like the Irish are). anyways, I'm also from the burbs of chi-town, and I'm goin to UMich next year. I got the feeling that the students there really like to have a good time (read: drink face on weekends). can't say I've heard the same about chicago students.

to me the choice is clear. I'm goin to UMich because of not only the outstanding reputation it has but also the personalities of the students I met. but, to each his own. maybe I'll see you in Ann Arbor this summer.
Originally posted by Bones2008

to the OP: I hate Notre Dame. I mean, I really really hate them. but you sound like you like to booze, and that makes it a little bit better. I got the feeling that the students there really like to have a good time (read: drink face on weekends). can't say I've heard the same about chicago students.

excellent..i hate notre dame and i love to booze..here's hoping there are many more of us in our class...
Originally posted by Bones2008
to the OP: I hate Notre Dame. I mean, I really really hate them. but you sound like you like to booze, and that makes it a little bit better

Wow. So, it seems like a tie between the two in general, with booze and selectivity of adcom as the two deciding factors. :cool: Anyone (say a student or someone who remembers a hard sell speech from a student) have any other real factors between these two?

(aside: if I go to UM, I will wear kerry green to games, bars, etc. I may learn jujitsu or pilates or something to protect myself.)
I'm struggling w/ the same decision. UMich and Uchicago are very different in their approach to teaching. Uchicago is very traditional (class from 8:30 -5; much less multiple choice and more short-answer). UMich has all their exams computerized to drill you for the USMLE. UMich has many more resourses for students. However, it is in Ann Arbor, so you would really have to LOVE the school for it to be worth your going there. Also, if you like sports, Uchicago is not the place to go; although, they have a great gym:)

I think they are both great schools. I'm just waiting to see the fin. aid packages to see which one I'll go to.
You should go to Michigan. Ann Arbor rocks.
I think UMich is a GREAT medical school and I think you can get a great education there. However, in this case...I think you should go to University of Chicago. Pritzker has an EXCELLENT reputation and if you're interested in medical research, they have awesome facilities to accomadate you. In addition, I think Chicago is WAY cooler than Ann Arbor.
To IrishOarsman: That's it. Now you HAVE to come to umich, simply because I want to see you try to defend your pansy irish ass at one of the bars here using nothing but....pilates?! :laugh:

Seriously, though, there's nothing not to like about umich and Ann Arbor. As a first year, you'll be reaping the benefits of pass/fail, flex time for exams and quizzes, and, it would seem, based on the responses here, be a part of a fun class that actually enjoys being social. And beyond that, we have a great reputation, an awesome hospital, and we do very well in the match. I'd think of more things to say to hype up my school, except my brain is fried right now and I am going to go to sleep. :)

Regardless, you should come here. At least come to the second look weekend to help you decide.
and we've got one ND dude in the m1 class already anyways. what's another? :D
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dude, did you see the new rankings? UMich 7, Pritzker 22. I think the decision is simple.... if you're a slave to USNews.. :p
i went to undergrad at chicago and think the world of its med school AND its med students. the ones i knew there were some of the most awesome people i'd ever met... and fun too! overall, i don't think you can go wrong with their rep/location/administration/class personality/hospitals/etc etc etc...

and i think dr. siegler does teach an ethics class for first years, maybe. or at least he has before. if you're interested in ethics, their maclean center is tops - so even if you don't hang with dr siegler himself (although i hear he likes a good game of squash or racquetball, i can't remember which) - there are a ton of other top ethicists right there for you. and they're great too - two of my favorite/most influential mentors/profs are there still.

and i even miss hyde park, who woulda thunkit? go chicago.
I don't know if I'll ever really get to hang with Dr. Siegler at UChicago

As a first year medical student at Pritzker, you will indeed get to hang with Dr. Siegler on a weekly basis during winter quarter. He's one of the two course directors for medical ethics, along with Dr. Rubin. It's an outstanding course and required for first year students. I just finished it two weeks ago.

Dr. Siegler is very friendly and welcomes interaction with students. The man has no ego. He's the type of person who is such an authority in his field that he doesn't have to talk about himself.

In addition to the large group ethics lectures, Dr. Siegler also rotates through the small discussion groups. And if you really want to do medical ethics with him, there is a good possibility you can do it (and get paid for it) through the summer research program.
U Chicago Definately. Cant beat Chi-Town

Bump +pissed+

haha I crack myself up
Uchicago's a good school, and I've heard of people turning Michigan down for it, though his girlfriend lives in chicago so there might be other reasons than the school itself.

I lived in hyde park for four years. My advice: get away from hyde park. It's dreary, unsafe, noxious. The undergrads are ugly and scary. Instead, move to the northside where all the cool people live and where the night life is. The rent is still reasonable. You must get a car though. But you gotta get a car anyways if you got to Ann Arbor. If you have a car and live in Lincoln Park, I think UChicago would be a really cool four years compared to Ann Arbor, which is in the middle of nowhere.
undergrads at Uchi are scary looking. VERY SCARY! :mad:
Originally posted by Bones2008
I hate Notre Dame. I mean, I really really hate them...
Originally posted by morecowbell
excellent..i hate notre dame...

To the OP: *in tune* Hail hail to Michigan the @$$holes of the world. If you can put up with that tune for four years, good luck! (And go Irish...) ;)
Originally posted by bubbajones
undergrads at Uchi are scary looking. VERY SCARY! :mad:

chuh. i hate having to defend myself and my alma mater on an online forum, but I am for sure NOT scary looking and hate that we have this ugly rep. it's fun as a first year in college to gripe about it, but as a future med student, get over it!!

and dr rubin, who lenny spoke of, is the most incredible person ever. i worked with him and he was probably the most influential person in my premed prep/career.
Thanks again all!

Swiper- rightly put... :)

vscarlet- I have a few friends at UChi undergrad, and although they are a bit more stiff than your average ugrad student, they are good people (neither ugly nor scary).

Sprockette- Don't mess with my (well, i don't have any yet... but i will!) pilates! I'm, like, way flexible! Hehe. Core strength baby.

Others, thanks for putting forth all the other factors. Chicago vs Ann Arbor is pretty big, true. I think I have to go visit AA again. As far as academics go, I am convinced that I will be more likely to destroy the boards at UM, but in the end I don't know how different the residency choices will be. Other than that, I don't know how the particular elements of their curriculums will result in different experiences...

I'm still torn...
Originally posted by Swiper The Fox

To the OP: *in tune* Hail hail to Michigan the @$$holes of the world. If you can put up with that tune for four years, good luck! (And go Irish...) ;)
yeah, why go to school with us jokesters when you can be friends with @$$wipe the fox?

when i was struggling with a choice like this someone told me to flip a coin--if you get chicago and feel a bit of disappointment (or vice versa) then you will know which you really prefer
I actually did this to help me choose undergrad schools. It's pretty helpful when you feel that twinge of preemptive regret for one of the schools. Try it out.

-@$$hole of the world
To correct Goodmonkey, there are two ND kids in our m1 class.

Let the argument continue.

Ultimately, if you like chicago go there if it was michigan go there. If they are vastly different, then the decision should be easy based on what you like.

I don't know anything about UC, but I'm sure its a good school. We have a lot of people from the Chicago area in my class if that is any indicator.....
Originally posted by Bones2008
-@$$hole of the world
:laugh: Gotta love the rivalry, eh?

You know, as strong as the ND/Michigan love-hate relationship is, I'll be the first to admit I have a lot of respect for you guys. You Michigan folks are good peeps, no matter what classy songs we were taught as ugrads! :thumbup:
Originally posted by SunnyS81
To correct Goodmonkey, there are two ND kids in our m1 class.

ah, my bad :)
Michigan if it were up to me.

Ann Arbor. Division 1 sports. Lively atmosphere. Beautiful scenery up there as well.

Oh yeah. They are a badass med school as well. Do well and pretty much a lock for any residency you want coming out of Michigan. Plus if i remember correctly, their curriculum is not traditional.
I've lived in both....

U of M all the way.
That way you can sit back at Touchdown's, have a cold brew, and watch your alma mater get whooped.
Ann Arbor is a true college town - you'll have a great time.

Sure Chicago is nice, but you'll be poor, stressed, and way too busy to play in Lincoln Park or Downtown.

AA is diverse, full of great-thinkers, plenty of bars/food options, and peaceful and clean.

Have breakfast at Angelo's and brown nose with your prof's at UMMS.
Of ALL of the bars in Ann Arbor, you chose Touchdowns to be the selling point...

Hey - if the guy is in AA and wants to watch a football game, wher else are you gonna send him? Not 'skeepers?

Touchdowns is the reason I'm post-bac and not MS-1. So it does prove efficacy.

I'm a Connor O'Neils man myself. Best Guinness around.

Trust me, if I could move the Cali weather to AA - you would have Eden.

U Mich is the way to go.

I also agree with BubbaJones - yikes!
Originally posted by 911Med
I'm a Connor O'Neils man myself. Best Guinness around.

There it is! Conor's is definitely the best bar in Ann Arbor.
So there it is - 2 votes for U Mich - Maxip and I.
Oh, I spoke to Touchdown Jesus, and he said go to U of M too.
So that is three.
Originally posted by 911Med
Oh, I spoke to Touchdown Jesus, and he said go to U of M too.

IrishOars, I don't know too much about UChicago, but I think being in a great college town would be pretty fun. Ann Arbor is a pretty sweet location. It would at least partially make up for your years spent suffering in S.Bend...

5 votes for U Mich.

p.s. did you go to Ignatius?
Originally posted by Swiper The Fox
p.s. did you go to Ignatius?
Loyola man here. oh yeah: 6 votes for UMich.
Toss another vote for Umich and Ann Arbor. I don't know a ton about UC(aside from average scores etc...), but when I went to check the school out, people didn't seem too friendly and the area I drove through a block away from the school seemed kinda shady. But, I should admit, I'm a little biased having been in Ann Arbor for the last 5 years. Just a bit of advice, I'd leave the green shirts home (I can think of 38 reasons why:p) at least until the game on the 11th.
With regards to the Touchdowns/Connor's/Skeepers debate, ya'll should include Ashley's in the upper echlon for sure.
Originally posted by DocStretch
Toss another vote for Umich and Ann Arbor. I don't know a ton about UC(aside from average scores etc...), but when I went to check the school out, people didn't seem too friendly and the area I drove through a block away from the school seemed kinda shady. But, I should admit, I'm a little biased having been in Ann Arbor for the last 5 years. Just a bit of advice, I'd leave the green shirts home (I can think of 38 reasons why:p) at least until the game on the 11th.
With regards to the Touchdowns/Connor's/Skeepers debate, ya'll should include Ashley's in the upper echlon for sure.

OK - Doc Stretch is obviously DONE with med school and residency making decent pre-HMO money because he can afford Ashley's for a beer.

Still, this forum HAS to answer your question - 7 people, including a religious icon, are all for U Mich. Plus, I mean , how many people are passionate about bars in Hyde Park/Chicago?

Ann Arbor is Heaven - Touchdown Jesus told me that.
He also said ND doesn't have a snowball's chance in Guam of beating the Wolverines this year.

Grab a spot there, and keep UMMS warm for me until I finish my post-bac/Masters and swing on back home.

Med School apartments can at times be fumigated by the tenants interesting cuisine choices, but there are plenty of great Victorian homes in Kerrytown that are great for MS's - AND you can walk to Zingerman's.

Alright, enough advertising here - it is just a darn fine town.
Originally posted by 911Med
So there it is - 2 votes for U Mich - Maxip and I.
Oh, I spoke to Touchdown Jesus, and he said go to U of M too.
So that is three.

Really? he guided me there just this past Wednesday night for 10cents wings:laugh:
Originally posted by lotanna
Really? he guided me there just this past Wednesday night for 10cents wings:laugh:

Yeah Touchdown Jesus is a friendly fellow with an affinity, er..."Passion" for wings. The guy has to be hungry - holding his arms up all the time, watching ND lose - exhausting.

Yes, despite you being a Spartan, there is enough room in the pearly gates of Ann Arbor for you too.

Because as an U Mich alum, we all know that all the pretty girls go to state.
Hey all-

Thanks again for livening up this debate! I guess it really cannot be argued that people don't have fun in AA vs Chicago.

911Med- Yeah, I went to Touchdown's the night before my interview to destress and it seeemed to have done the trick quite nicely, so I too have a special place in my heart for that sweat box.

The Chicago Jesuit school discussion- I'm an Ignatius man myself.

Since there seems to be a critical mass of UM people in here, what is the best place to live outside the ghetto? In the ghetto? I can probably afford to go a bit above the average if it buys me something much nicer/more convenient.

Passion for wings? Oh man...

Here's one specific challenge to the UM curriculum: does anyone feel like the board-driven 1+2 year curriculum is limited/lacks a broader scientific curiosity/hurts one's entry knowledge for like summer/future research?
Originally posted by 911Med
Yeah Touchdown Jesus is a friendly fellow with an affinity, er..."Passion" for wings. The guy has to be hungry - holding his arms up all the time, watching ND lose - exhausting.

Yes, despite you being a Spartan, there is enough room in the pearly gates of Ann Arbor for you too.

Because as an U Mich alum, we all know that all the pretty girls go to state.

You got it right!!:clap: In undergrad i knew a lot of girls who had boyfriends at U of M :laugh:

But really I've been to U of chicago, and they didnt seem too friendly, plus Ann Arbor is only 4hrs from the Windy city, so u can always go visit
Originally posted by IrishOarsman
Hey all-

Thanks again for livening up this debate! I guess it really cannot be argued that people don't have fun in AA vs Chicago.

911Med- Yeah, I went to Touchdown's the night before my interview to destress and it seeemed to have done the trick quite nicely, so I too have a special place in my heart for that sweat box.

The Chicago Jesuit school discussion- I'm an Ignatius man myself.

Since there seems to be a critical mass of UM people in here, what is the best place to live outside the ghetto? In the ghetto? I can probably afford to go a bit above the average if it buys me something much nicer/more convenient.

Passion for wings? Oh man...

Here's one specific challenge to the UM curriculum: does anyone feel like the board-driven 1+2 year curriculum is limited/lacks a broader scientific curiosity/hurts one's entry knowledge for like summer/future research?

Boards? Uh, yeah, ask me that question in 3 years. But until that time, ... back to reality.

There are a few decent apartment complexes around the med school. Pretty bland but only a par two away from the school itself.

North Campus is mostly engineers. Insert comment here.

I used to live behind Bursely Hall on NC. There was this blue apartment complex that quite a few med students/residents lived in. Forget the name, but if you drive to North Campus and drive in back fo Bursely/Bates Hall, there it is in all of its blue splendor.

Best bet? Drive up NOW and look around. The best deals are in the older Victorian homes in the Kerrytown area and side streets around UMMS. Firelplace, hard wood floors, wash/dryer etc.
I took M1 Biochem with a bunch of gunners that lived in a great house there. They all should have been shot, but the house was nice. Posse up your fellow classmates on SDN and grab a house en mass.
Originally posted by IrishOarsman
does anyone feel like the board-driven 1+2 year curriculum is limited/lacks a broader scientific curiosity/hurts one's entry knowledge for like summer/future research?
over half of the rising M2's last summer did research at the medical center.
911, Yea, I'm wishing I was rolling in that pre-HMO doc dough, but I'm taking the masters route as well (MPH here at UofM). But Ashley's is a solid, solid place to hit up every once in while for a pretty chill time (in my hublest of opinions).

With regards to housing, I'm currently chilling in the "ghetto" and it's not too bad. Rent's pretty reasonable and it's really close to the hospital/classes. Plus, this might not be a huge deal, but it has a pool which is kinda a nice perk.

Lotanna, that's interesting you had a similar experience visiting UC. I spent about 20 minutes wandering around campus with a map in my hand and a confused "I'm clearly lost" look on my face and didn't get any love from anyone. When I finally found the admissions office, the secretary was having a conversation on IM with the sounds tuned way up. I told her, "I can wait if you're in the middle of something important" and she really didn't get the hint and just kept on typing while I was asking her some questions.

BTW, who is the "Touchdown Jesus" guy everyone is talking about? I thought he got renamed "Fieldgoal Jesus":laugh:
BTW, who is the "Touchdown Jesus" guy everyone is talking about? I thought he got renamed "Fieldgoal Jesus":laugh: [/B][/QUOTE]

I thought he was re-named "Losing Season Jesus?"

Michigan MPH - very solid. Epi?
"I don't like the direction this discussion is heading... ;)"

911, nice guess on the Epi, I'm actually doing Hospital and Molecular Epi, which thus far has been pretty sweet. Where are you at on your temporary hiatus from Ann Arbor?
Nice pic Swiper, I'm currently trying to lock down a ticket for the game there next year. I figure I'll have more fun this time than the last time I went down there to catch a game:rolleyes:
to the OP-

the ghetto seems like a pretty sweet place to live... only 10 minute walk or 5 minute bus ride to the medical center. plus, since it's almost entirely med students i'm banking on some pretty wild post-exam/pre-football game parties.

also, one of the things that really impressed me about UM was that even though they had been recognized as one of the top medical schools in the country (by USNews and a poll of residency directors, among others), they weren't satisfied with the current curriculum and decided to change it in an effort to improve the clinical skills of their graduates.

oh yeah, one more thing... did you happen to see the cadaver lab? by far the best i've seen... G4s and flat screen monitors hanging from the ceiling... streaming video of dissections, it was crazy.

my extremely biased vote:
