UC Davis, Anyone?

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May 4, 2001
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Hey people,
Is anybody starting at Davis or am I the only one :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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You may be the only one???!!! :D
My T.A. for bio, will be attending UC Davis. He was finishing a Masters in Biology and doing research. From what I've seen and heard, UC Davis likes non-trad students. MY T.A. co-authored a paper, and had good grades, but in my opinion I thought his attitude sucked. I hope the students there are diverse and not too many of them match this guy's ego.
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I know of a person that will be attending at UCDavis that is one of the nicest people I know.... I'm sure you'll get a chance to meet him.... but I'm sure there will be those that are not so nice....

It's been three days now and no one seems to be responding to your thread.... Maybe when classes start you should introduce them to SDN and get more responses.... ;)
Hi Zhenka, I will be attending Davis this Fall. Looking forward to meeting you!! Found an apt. up in Davis a couple weeks ago, just a couple minutes from the med school. Hope you are enjoying some nice summer R&R. Take care- Jessica
P.S. Feel free to look me up on the Davis Class of 2005 website if you would like to chat before classes start.