UCBSO Waitlisted

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5+ Year Member
Feb 22, 2018
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I received an email from UCBSO on Thursday that I was invited to join their waitlist. It seems like they rank their waitlist and I felt sad because I really want to attend optometry school here. UCBSO asked that I don't send any more letters or materials and just told me to wait until April 23rd. Sadly, this means that I don't get to attend their Admit Day even if I get off the waitlist. I know this is better than a rejection, but having to wait longer for an answer is not exactly great either. I do have three other backup schools, but UCBSO is my first choice.

I looked through older threads on this website regarding UCBSO's waitlist, but I still would like to see if anyone knows of any updated information. Thanks in advance!

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Hi there!

Even though it's not a direct acceptance, don't worry about the fact that you're waitlisted. For my class, there were 5 people on the waitlist and they were all admitted after Berkeley's deadline passed. I understand that it kinda sucks to have to wait a little longer, but if Berkeley is definitely your first choice, then I think waiting just a bit longer is worth it!

I'm in my first year here and even though it's been really tough, I'm having the time of my life at my dream school 🙂
Hi there!

Even though it's not a direct acceptance, don't worry about the fact that you're waitlisted. For my class, there were 5 people on the waitlist and they were all admitted after Berkeley's deadline passed. I understand that it kinda sucks to have to wait a little longer, but if Berkeley is definitely your first choice, then I think waiting just a bit longer is worth it!

I'm in my first year here and even though it's been really tough, I'm having the time of my life at my dream school 🙂

Thank you for the reassurance 🙂
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