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New Member
5+ Year Member
Apr 29, 2017
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  • 15k scholarship per year
  • Closer to family (though only 1.5 hours closer compared to UCSD, so not a huge advantage)
  • Faculty seems very supportive of student needs
  • Great Ultrasound program
  • You're "given" an iPad
  • Students seemed laid-back
  • Very small class size
  • H/P/F
  • Irvine seems kinda boring
  • Have to drive to get to hospital
  • From what I've seen, there's not as much diversity as I'd like
  • Not as highly recognized

  • Familiarity (I went to undergrad here). Comfortable with the area and with the current med students. All my friends are also in San Diego
  • P/F
  • From what I've experienced, it's more diverse
  • Tacos. Tacos. Tacos.
  • Students seemed so happy.
  • I loved all the choices in hospitals
  • I'm very keen and excited to be a part of the student run clinics
  • No scholarship, so I'd be paying more
  • Slightly further from family, but again, not a big deal since it's only an hour or so further than Irvine

Basically, my problem is I know I love UCSD. However, Irvine isn't bad, to me it's just a not-as-nice-but-still-good UCSD. I know I'd be happy at either one, but happier at UCSD. Is that worth passing up the 60k worth of scholarship?

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Definitely go UCSD! That's not a big difference in money in the long run. UCSD is a fantastic, renowned institution that will help you for residency apps more than UCI, AND you liked it more.
UCSD all the way. It's another league of school, well worth 15k/year extra.

And.. hello... nicest setting for medical school in the world?
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Hey buddy,

I'm not sure if you made your decision or not, but I feel like this is a pretty clear cut. 60k isn't a make or break to choose a school that you felt less strongly about. If you loved UCSD, you should absolutely be going there. I think the line begins to get blurred around 100k+ especially if you are gearing towards a primary care specialty, but even then it's all about your happiness and fit with an institution. That will directly translate to how well you end up doing at said institution and subsequently your match/career prospects which is obviously difficult to place a price tag on, but I think you get the idea that there is benefits even then to pay the higher price tag. Best of luck, and hoping you end up making the best decision for yourself

Disclaimer: WLed at UCSD