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Mar 5, 2009
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Hi everyone. So, I'm working on my rank list and trying to decide between UCSF and UW for the top. My two main concerns about UCSF are that I heard it's kind of intense (particularly relative to the UW), and that SFGH seems so behind the times with their EMR, etc. that I'm worried that it's not really a priority of the UCSF system. Anyone have input about this? I don't have to go to a crazy relaxed place, but I figure internship is rough enough without being in a program with stressed-out people. Thanks!

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Hi everyone. So, I'm working on my rank list and trying to decide between UCSF and UW for the top. My two main concerns about UCSF are that I heard it's kind of intense (particularly relative to the UW), and that SFGH seems so behind the times with their EMR, etc. that I'm worried that it's not really a priority of the UCSF system. Anyone have input about this? I don't have to go to a crazy relaxed place, but I figure internship is rough enough without being in a program with stressed-out people. Thanks!

I vote UCSF. Better city, better program...working hard will only make you a better doctor...with that said...UW is a great program and you wont go wrong either way.

I wouldnt be so concerned about EMR or working too hard (you will work hard everywhere), I think you should focus on location, whether you can get along with the residents, quality of your training (rsch opportunities, scut..etc), and fellowship opportunities. hope that helps. I think both are amazing programs though. Good luck!
I vote UCSF. Better city, better program...working hard will only make you a better doctor...with that said...UW is a great program and you wont go wrong either way.

I completely agree. UW is an excellent program, but seriously, this is UCSF that we're talking about, one of the most elite programs out there. It depends on your goals/priorities. San Francisco is an amazing city, and the support/atmosphere of the program is awesome. Yes, you work hard, but that's how residency is supposed to be. The question is, did you sense red flags on your interview day that suggested that it would be a poor fit for who you are as a person? If so, then your safest bet would be UW if everything about it clicked. But on paper, UCSF is the stronger program in an awesome city.