UIC vs Rush

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5+ Year Member
Jan 11, 2018
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Any help/insight is greatly appreciated!


  • Loved the students on interview day
  • Felt like a great "fit"
  • Ample volunteer opportunities
  • Nicer facilities
  • Able to be at Cook County (underserved hospital) more during rotations
  • More expensive (~$50k over 4 years)

  • Better global health programs
  • More research funding
  • Wider rotation variety
  • Less expensive
  • Really liked my interviewers and the faculty members I met
  • Not as many opportunities for service
  • Did not enjoy my interactions with students as much

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Rush does emphasize volunteering more, so you need to weigh how important that is to you. UIC will still give you plenty of opportunities if you choose to seek them out.
As for interactions with students, it will be good to re-evaluate that after second look days for both schools if you are able to go.
Rush's facilities are much much nicer than UIC's... is this worth 50K over four years? The financial difference is something you will want to discuss with family and a financial advisor.
Have you taken a look at the new MSAR? The Tuition difference is only about 3K per year, which is negligible imo. UIC never included their summer tuition as part of their tuition in the past (even though students end up paying it regardless). It seems like your heart is at Rush to me. (full disclosure - There is a good chance I end up matriculating at Rush this year as well, so I may be biased)