UNC Dental- Applying 2010

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Jan 7, 2008
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Ok, I decided to start a thread on anything about applying to UNC dental in 2010 cycle including any advice, interview updates, application updates, anything. Right now, it says my application is under review on AADSAS and I called them and they told me that my application is complete. I dont think they have given out interviews yet, even though my friend's friend told my friend that he got an interview at september, which I find unbelievable.

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I was interviewed in the first batch, and if I remember correctly, the invites came out comparatively late (to other schools I'd heard from). Just make sure to rock your interview, regardless of when it occurs.
how does the interview go? Is it just chill? How long after do they inform you of the acceptance/rejection? Also, what did they focus on in your interview?
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The interview feedback on SDN is pretty thorough - I'd use that as interview prep. They send out two groups of acceptances, one around the 1st week of December, and another around the 1st week of February. I got a phone call with the acceptance, then a mailing.

There were three interviews, one with a student, one with faculty, and one with a community dentist trained at UNC.
I am also applying to UNC this cycle. My app says complete/under review(7/23). A search of threads from past years showed people getting interview invites around the last week of August (25/26th). Past threads also said there were many out-of-staters at the first interview date.

I think there are interview dates in sept, oct, and nov. Then more after december. An early interview date sure would be nice.

Would definitely like to hear when people start getting interview invites.

A friend of mine that went to UNC said the interview feedback at the very top of the page was spot-on.
what do you mean by interview feedback at the very top of the page? which page are you referring to?
If you look at this page... scroll to the top(till you can't scroll any more)... white letters in the blue bar(middle/right of page). Took me a while to find it too.

Then choose DDS/DMD. Then choose UNC from the list.
Wow, thanks never seen that before. I saw your DAT scores, you killed it man, good work. In my opinion you should apply to UNC as well as some other schools that accept Out of state students, you can def get in somewhere. Dont want to put all your eggs in one basket.
Will apply to more schools next year (if necessary - after researching schools). Heard somewhere 50% of people that got into UNC last year were re-applicants. Plus, it will save me $100,000 if I get into UNC(in-state) (and also have a house that would need to sell.)

Want to get some feedback this year also (how to improve standing).

Best of luck!
Will apply to more schools next year (if necessary - after researching schools). Heard somewhere 50% of people that got into UNC last year were re-applicants. Plus, it will save me $100,000 if I get into UNC(in-state) (and also have a house that would need to sell.)

Want to get some feedback this year also (how to improve standing).

Best of luck!

Similar boat man. Went to UNC for undergrad, majored in chemistry, got raped, doing a masters now! GOOD LUCK!
chem department at UNC is no joke.. there for undergrad right now. i think you'll have no trouble getting in uncbest.
My AADSAS says received/under review as well. I have heard that the interview is by far the most important part of the whole process at UNC and some dentists told me they heard that Dr. Wilder is changing the review process. I don't know what that means for interviews or selection criteria though.
My AADSAS says received/under review as well. I have heard that the interview is by far the most important part of the whole process at UNC and some dentists told me they heard that Dr. Wilder is changing the review process. I don't know what that means for interviews or selection criteria though.

How so?
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They told me it had something to do with the after interview review. What they said was after the interview every trio of interviewers can nominate 5 candidates for further review and the rest never get looked at again. From what these dentists told me they are trying to make it so that those other applications don't get tossed aside without another look.

Edit: The dentists who told me this are not employed by UNC they are local dentists so I don't know how accurate their info is
I'm applying for '10 , but UNC is my only school option because I live and own a home in the area and can't relocate. Here's to hoping it works out!
Anyone hear anything from UNC yet?
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did program at the dental school this summer....they said they one interview weekend in sept, oct, nov, and then one more in jan. they try to place half the class in dec and then the second half afterwards. but if you're interviewed in sept oct or nov, and don't get in dec 1 or in dec, you can still get in in the spring.

most out of state applicants will be interviewed in sept and in states will comprise the majority of the rest.

AADSAS says app complete/under review right now since 08/06/2009....

good luck everyone
First of all, good luck to all of you applying this year. I am currently a junior at ncsu so ill be applying during the 2011 cycle. I have a good gpa and 22 on the DAT's. Many people ive spoken to on campus told me that a good gpa and DAT will get you an interview, but the interview is very key. I am just wondering, what more is needed than a strong gpa and good dat scores? how much shadowing, how much volunteering, research if any? Also, is it possible to be rejected with a 22 and good gpa? Im not trying to be cocky or anything, just want to the know the truth? Once again, all the best to all of you, Ill look forward to seeing you guys in a couple of years!
First of all, good luck to all of you applying this year. I am currently a junior at ncsu so ill be applying during the 2011 cycle. I have a good gpa and 22 on the DAT's. Many people ive spoken to on campus told me that a good gpa and DAT will get you an interview, but the interview is very key. I am just wondering, what more is needed than a strong gpa and good dat scores? how much shadowing, how much volunteering, research if any? Also, is it possible to be rejected with a 22 and good gpa? Im not trying to be cocky or anything, just want to the know the truth? Once again, all the best to all of you, Ill look forward to seeing you guys in a couple of years!


My least favorite poster in the history of SDN. She was famously pro-UNC until she didn't get in. When she got into Columbia, she liked to post about how Ivies were by far the best schools around.

Anyone who dismisses any admission is a chump. In her signatures, she used to smirk at her Nova and NYU acceptances. It's called hubris.
Ok this same guy confirmed that he has an interview at UNC in Sept. Anyone else hear from UNC? I think last year they heard around this time.
This kid who knows my friend. He claims he got an interview in mid september. He is in-state and has like 3 degrees. I dont know if he is being honest because I dont know of anyone else with an interview.
Unc interview on September 19th!! Just found out today by email.

From my experience last year, most people in the first interview session will be out-of-state. I was at the Sept. interview and it seemed that 70% or so of the people there were out-of-state. So don't worry about WHEN you get your interview, just make sure you nail it when it comes around.

Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.

From my experience last year, most people in the first interview session will be out-of-state. I was at the Sept. interview and it seemed that 70% or so of the people there were out-of-state. So don't worry about WHEN you get your interview, just make sure you nail it when it comes around.

Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.

Agreed. I interviewed in September, and it was mostly out-of-staters.
UNC interview, originally was scheduled for Sept 19 but I had to reschedule to the next day which is Oct 24
First of all, good luck to all of you applying this year. I am currently a junior at ncsu so ill be applying during the 2011 cycle. I have a good gpa and 22 on the DAT's. Many people ive spoken to on campus told me that a good gpa and DAT will get you an interview, but the interview is very key. I am just wondering, what more is needed than a strong gpa and good dat scores? how much shadowing, how much volunteering, research if any? Also, is it possible to be rejected with a 22 and good gpa? Im not trying to be cocky or anything, just want to the know the truth? Once again, all the best to all of you, Ill look forward to seeing you guys in a couple of years!

Yes, it's very possible that you can have a high GPA and a high DAT and not be accepted by UNC, I know from personal experience. They accept very few out of state students.

Good luck to the future interviewees.
UNC interview in Sept!! Found out by phone call.
I submitted my application to UNC at the end of June and sent my application fee immediately after. They have yet to cash my check and my AADSAS says they haven't received my official DAT scores, but I called and they said they have them. So confusing!!
Interview on 9/19!!
Out of State Applicant
AADSAS changed to "invited for interview" today.
Ok guys I looked at the interview feedback section. Ive looked through all the feedback and the normal questions like why dentistry, why unc, medicaid. I plan on reviewing my AADSAS and supp applications, getting some info on UNC dental school like its cirriculum, practicing the typical questions. What else should I do to prepare for the interview? Any other resources that I can use? Any advice from previous people that were interviewed will be appreciated. Do they give off the wall and random questions? Im going crazy thinking of all the possibilities because I really am afraid that there will be a long pause or silence during my interview.
Just be yourself, you made it through the first gate. Your scores and stats were good enough to get an interview now is your chance to show the human side to your application. I wouldn't over analyze or worry too much, just relax and tell them about yourself. You'll do fine.:thumbup:
I saw one on predents and one other that was a reschedule to october
Have any August submitters heard anything from UNC yet??
I Submitted early July, but my committee letter only made it to UNC Sep1. I am hoping for October interview, but have not heard anything yet... :(
Nice to meet all the fine folks at the pizza social tonight. See you all in the morning.

not sure if i met anybody on SDN at UNC, but all of you guys were really nice. i know everyone did well. causal interviews are the best. good luck the rest of the way.

**gotta love bowties**