UNE online vs cc for physics.

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hello all,

Yes, I know how to use the search bar. My deepest apologies for clouding the DO hopeful thread.

I have to take physics 1 this semester (I graduated this past may and am doing a mini post back and in order to stay on schedule need this class this spring). Was going to take it through my hospitals teaching college but found out today it's only a 3 credit lecture and lab rather than 4.

I live in an area with a lot of colleges but am just now realizing that algebra based physics 1 is generally only offered in the fall. I can only find one section of it at a cc over 45 mins away from where I live. Obviously, not ideal and my car is pretty old I'm not convinced it would survive this semester.

So would it be okay if I take one online class? I'm taking physics 2 this summer at Temple university. My stats are 3.45s 3.62c with no MCAT yet.. would one online course really hurt me that bad for DO programs?

Thanks in advance.

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take CC...prolly cheaper...could probably pan out into a LOR.

tbh, Temple phys will probably be oversaturated with students and will serve as a weedout class

just take both at a CC, kill it, get a letter.
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Definitely dont take physics online. Do schools seriously accept the major science prereqs from an online course with no lab? I don't see how thats possible.
Definitely dont take physics online. Do schools seriously accept the major science prereqs from an online course with no lab? I don't see how thats possible.

I believe the UNE online courses contain a lab component. I looked into it a while ago out of curiosity, and I think they send you a lab kit.

ETA: I'd still go to the cc.
take CC...prolly cheaper...could probably pan out into a LOR.
^This x1000

Save the $$$. My CC Professors were also better than some of my University Professors. They are there to teach, not to do research 🙂. All of my science Professors at CC also were very excited when I asked them for LOR's. You are likely to get a much more detailed LOR from a CC Professor because of the small class sizes!
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The only way I did well in cc physics was partial credit for showing calculations. I can't imagine UNE's multiple choice test.

Yep. I passed Physics I by the skin of my teeth, but did better in Physics II. Thank the physics gods for partial credit!
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Yep. I passed Physics I by the skin of my teeth (still don't know how, but didn't ask questions), but did decent in Physics II. Thank the physics gods for partial credit!
Might be time to update that signature
My boyfriend is currently taking the UNE physics I class, and if you need additional info about it, I'll be able to report about it in a month or so when he's at least half way through the content.

Definitely dont take physics online. Do schools seriously accept the major science prereqs from an online course with no lab? I don't see how thats possible.

Yes. Many DO schools accept online pre-reqs. For some people, especially non-trads who work full-time, finding a class that fits with a full-time work schedule may be difficult. The UNE classes are known for being difficult. The UNECOM Physics I includes lab.

^This x1000

Save the $$$. My CC Professors were also better than some of my University Professors. They are there to teach, not to do research 🙂. All of my science Professors at CC also were very excited when I asked them for LOR's. You are also likely to get a much more detailed LOR from a CC Professor because of the small class sizes!

My Organic chemistry professor from a CC was by far one of my best and favorite professors ever. He was there to only teach Organic, and made himself extremely available through office hours, which was extremely helpful for a class like Orgo. The CC in my hometown prepped students for entering into the two of the local four-year schools that are top 100 universities, so the pre-reqs classes were often considered to be on par in terms of difficulty with the four year universities nearby.
Definitely dont take physics online. Do schools seriously accept the major science prereqs from an online course with no lab? I don't see how thats possible.

OP, definitely don't take advice from those with no frame of reference. If you have to ask if schools take online classes, you probably shouldn't tell people to definitely not take online classes.

I took an online class with UNE, and had multiple acceptances, and here I am in second year doing just fine.
OP, definitely don't take advice from those with no frame of reference. If you have to ask if schools take online classes, you probably shouldn't tell people to definitely not take online classes.

I took an online class with UNE, and had multiple acceptances, and here I am in second year doing just fine.

I only say to avoid it because there are schools that don't accept them, and they are ludicrously expensive.
OP, definitely don't take advice from those with no frame of reference. If you have to ask if schools take online classes, you probably shouldn't tell people to definitely not take online classes.

I took an online class with UNE, and had multiple acceptances, and here I am in second year doing just fine.

What was the condition? Did you take the course as a retake or as a first time? Which course was it?
Now your story makes me want to take UNE courses..
What was the condition? Did you take the course as a retake or as a first time? Which course was it?
Now your story makes me want to take UNE courses..

Took one of the chem pre-reqs, first time taking the course.

Yes, there may be a limited number of schools that don't take them (that terrible horrible school in Mississippi and NYCOM come to mind), but the vast majority DO take them. As I said, I applied with a below average overall GPA, little above average sGPA, and an MCAT in low 30s. I'd go ahead and take the class and not look back.
Thanks for the advice @surfguy84 ,
I want to try my best at CC. If the case is that I might get a C in one of the prereq, then I would have to reschedule and retake it at 4 year university (any campus at University of California).
But if they won't let me retake it after I transfer(this case is highly likely, thus I had to look elsewhere), then I would take it at UNE.
Thank you for all the replies.. I'm going to try to take the CC course but if there is an issue with registration or if I have to take biochemistry at a different campus (the only other course I need right now) then I will resort to UNE online.

Again, thanks for the advice.