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Sep 30, 2020
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Hello everyone! I am in desperate need of help preparing for the CPJE.

I graduated with my PharmD in 2017 from NY.
I moved to CA right after.
I passed the NAPLEX.
I failed to CPJE twice.
I have not been active and employed in pharmacy since 05/2018.
I have not kept up with material due to unforeseen circumstances.
All that being said, I am retaking the CPJE 12/2020 and need a total refresher.
Personally, it is difficult for me to prepare for any law questions since I did not go to school in CA. I had the Weissman book but lost it. I do still have the Q&A book.
I have a rxprep book from 2017 and various materials I’ve managed to accumulate from past coworkers.
I realize these are all outdated. But I’m hoping I can still use them.
I also noticed the board’s website has materials that I don’t recall seeing before.

Q. Does anyone have any advice for me?

I really wanted to work with someone one-on-one, such as a tutor, but as far as I know, none exist. I don’t have an outrageous amount of money to spend. But if there’s a good enough chance I’ll pass, I can probably find a way to fund it.

Please see below for additional information if this sounds confusing. I hope I have explained everything sufficiently.

[I’ll try to make this short: I am a 2017 PharmD graduate from NYS. I made an unplanned decision to move to CA right after graduation. I withdrew my NY application for pharmacist licensure and applied in CA. To be quite honest, I don’t remember all the details, but I had to get my CA intern license before they would approve the pharmacist license application. I had a grad intern job from 07/17 until 05/18. I was laid off for lack of work and I really didn’t know what to do. By that time, I had passed the NAPLEX and failed the CPJE twice and reapplied again. I couldn’t find another “grad intern” job, but I needed work so I started waiting tables. I went through significant personal issues and had to let my CPJE retake expire. As of now, I am unemployed and under immense pressure from others to get my license. I just received my eligibility and signed up for the CPJE 12/04/2020. I would really love to find employment, but that’s not why I’m posting.]

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I think your best bet is to buy Rx prep 2020 material and question bank. I am 2020 graduate and failed my CPJE first attempt so I can feel where you are coming from. Also, I heard CPJE secrets is also very helpful and pharmacy charts. On Facebook CPJE page, I saw there is tutor based out so cal who offers online tutoring. I don’t know how good they are but may be you want to look it up. Job market is crazy in California but I am sure once you can find something once you are licensed. Can you go back to the place you interned at once you are licensed?
I think your best bet is to buy Rx prep 2020 material and question bank. I am 2020 graduate and failed my CPJE first attempt so I can feel where you are coming from. Also, I heard CPJE secrets is also very helpful and pharmacy charts. On Facebook CPJE page, I saw there is tutor based out so cal who offers online tutoring. I don’t know how good they are but may be you want to look it up. Job market is crazy in California but I am sure once you can find something once you are licensed. Can you go back to the place you interned at once you are licensed?
Thank you so much for your advice!! I really wanted a tutor so I’m going to def check that out! The board’s website now has pass/fail stats, I never noticed them before, and they are like 50%. Even worse if you aren’t from CA. I knew it was notoriously difficult, but sheesh! I won’t be able to go back to the job, but everyone’s always saying how much easier it will be to find one once I’m licensed. Which is common sense, yes, but I’m scared to death to take his exam a third time!
I'd look into a different profession at this point. You graduated in 2017 and haven't worked as a licensed pharmacist yet... Unless you have relatives that is responsible for hiring pharmacists, I don't see you even being granted an interview for a pharmacist position in this market. A recent new grad would have a better shot at any openings you would be competing for.
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For that 10% of CPJE you could buy a cheapo 7th edition Weissman off eBay (dang I'm old. doesn't exist anymore)

Only new crap in the last 5 years off the top off of my head pertains to serialized numbers for written controlled substance prescriptions and "chorionic gonadotropin" being schedule III in California

Since you are NEET you have plenty of time to study so why would you need a tutor.

Reading is not studying.

At least if you pass this you can say you are above those losers who couldn't pass CPJE but are gainfully employed in bordering states (NV, AZ)
I'd look into a different profession at this point. You graduated in 2017 and haven't worked as a licensed pharmacist yet... Unless you have relatives that is responsible for hiring pharmacists, I don't see you even being granted an interview for a pharmacist position in this market. A recent new grad would have a better shot at any openings you would be competing for.
Ignore this negativity!
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Ignore this negativity! It’s obvious that understanding, compassion, and support is a skill they have not mastered.

I am very understanding but I am also providing advice for realistic scenarios... If you want to give OP false hope because you want to be compassionate, go for it. OP graduated 3 years ago and has never worked as a licensed pharmacist so realistic chances of employment are slim to none especially in this oversaturated pharmacist market. OPs best chance is going with an existing relationship with an independent pharmacy once he/she gets licensed.
I am very understanding but I am also providing advice for realistic scenarios... If you want to give OP false hope because you want to be compassionate, go for it. OP graduated 3 years ago and has never worked as a licensed pharmacist so realistic chances of employment are slim to none especially in this oversaturated pharmacist market. OPs best chance is going with an existing relationship with an independent pharmacy once he/she gets licensed.

I agree, better chances in NY than CA currently
Or try pharma. You don't need a license (although its nice to have), and contrary to common don't need to have completed a fellowship.
but honestly, how easy is it to get a job at pharma unless you're a very attractive female

Attractive females do not make up the majority of pharma/biotech employees - not by a long shot. Oddly, there DOES seem to be a disproportionate number of attractive females in industry fellowship programs.

At this point, it's probably easier (and less stressful) for the OP to consider hunting for a pharma job rather than hinge it all on passing the CPJE on the 3rd try. It's not easy, but I dare say that attempting to pass the CPJE after 2 failures and months of studying has to be very stressful and the prospects (and payoff) of finding a full-time pharmacist job after a 2 year gap may actually be harder than than an entry-level pharma job.

OP can widen the net by looking for jobs at CROs that support pharma - they have high turnover and are sometimes willing to take on someone without previous experience.

Or, just continue with studying for the CPJE and best of luck.