University of Alabama EM, DO friendly...?

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Mat the coolcat

jus tryn'a make it
10+ Year Member
Aug 27, 2013
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Interested in UAB, and wondering how apt they are to taking/interviewing DO's...I see on their website that they only currently have one DO in all 3 classes...

I currently have a EM rotation offer with them, but I'm considering finding another one if i wouldn't be considered for a residency there, despite decent scores and an overall strong application.

Appreciate any advice!

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Interested in UAB, and wondering how apt they are to taking/interviewing DO's...I see on their website that they only currently have one DO in all 3 classes, but they are one of the cheifs so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I currently have a EM rotation offer with them, but I'm considering finding another one if i wouldn't be considered for a residency there despite decent scores and an overall strong application.

Appreciate any advice!

You could try reaching out to that DO resident and asking him/her. I'd guess if you want ANY chance at an interview as a DO you'd have to do an away there.
Looked there, and it's not DO friendly at all. I think there have been 2 DO residents total in the last 8 years. I would look at doing an audition elsewhere and at a place where there are at least 2-3 DOs per class. If you're looking in the south, I'd look at UT Murfreesboro, UT Chattanooga, University of Mississippi, MCG/Augusta, and many Texas programs.
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Looked there, and it's not DO friendly at all. I think there have been 2 DO residents total in the last 8 years. I would look at doing an audition elsewhere and at a place where there are at least 2-3 DOs per class.

That's really helpful information that I've been unable to gather, thanks so much!
What are your scores? Also define what you mean by a strong application?
Interested in UAB, and wondering how apt they are to taking/interviewing DO's...I see on their website that they only currently have one DO in all 3 classes...

I currently have a EM rotation offer with them, but I'm considering finding another one if i wouldn't be considered for a residency there, despite decent scores and an overall strong application.

Appreciate any advice!