University of Cincinnati Alternate List Waitlist

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I'm flattered that you took the time to investigate me this deeply. And I'm not kidding at all. I've been to some forums for 4-5 years and I'm lucky if people even notice my birthday, much less write an extremely-detailed bibliography of my whereabouts and dealings for one whole month! lol

Anyway, mk8 hit the nail on the head. My first medical school option just wasn't appealing to me (based on location, and several other very personal issues) so I didn't accept it. I just felt I could do better because I was starting to consistently score 30-35's on my practice MCATs which would have potentially given me a better choice next year that better complimented my plans. But here comes July..and I get an acceptance from Cincinnati, a school I actually wanted to attend. And since I've satisfactorily tended to some of my obligations, the rest is history. I won't go any further about my qualifications because it's not anyone's business. But I figured I'd at least say something before this thread implodes.
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Only financially advantageous for year 1, after that all students can declare themselves in-state.

You may think this is funny, but those on the waitlist, in any of the 1/3 sections - top, middle or bottom, in or out of state with higher credentials than the last two acceptees are in terrible waitlist agony! This is a cruel process that has no order. Someone needs to take accountablility for how students are accepted, there needs to be order and reason.

Why excite applicants by telling them they are on the top third and then accept from the bottom third?

By 'higher credentials' do you mean 'higher GPA' and/or 'higher MCAT'? Because it seems like it would be pretty difficult for you to judge whether or not someone is more qualified than either of us based solely off of what little info you have gathered through these forums.. unless of course by 'higher credentials', you mean the rankings UC gave out. In that case, I do admit that it seems a little confusing.

The likely scenario seems to be that, as someone mentioned, they are trying to fill some kind of OOS quota to expand the diversity of the class a little. Perhaps more OOS than IS students chose to go elsewhere (with multiple acceptances), which sounds very possible.
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What I understood from Dr. Manuel was is that they rank in thirds: top, middle, and bottom. But he also said that there are about eight categories that people are divided into...i'm guessing: gender, ethnicity, etc... He said that depending upon those categories, middle thirds can often be taken before top thirds because they are trying to make their class fit a certain profile of male:female ratio, IS:OOS ratio, etc...Hope this helps clarify and keep hoping! I know of someone last year who got in late july. Good luck I hope to see you guys in August! 🙂
How could UC pass-up perfectly good in-state applicants continuously since May? How would Manuel answer applicants that ask "what's the deal?"

It's a simple matter of funding. Since Ohio doesn't fully fund the school, they're only going to take as many IS people as they're required to by the state. After that, they're going to fill the class with higher stat OOS applicants.

Recruiting students from OOS with higher numbers helps the school with US News rankings and the like. If they can improve their ranking, this helps the school out with getting more research grants and the like.

If you're not happy with the current system, you should write to Ted Strickland and your state representatives. Urge them to increase the funding for Ohio's state medical schools.
they're going to fill the class with higher stat OOS applicants.

Recruiting students from OOS with higher numbers helps the school with US News rankings and the like.

If you're not happy with the current system, you should write to Ted Strickland and your state representatives. Urge them to increase the funding for Ohio's state medical schools.

If Strickland is trying to stop brain-drain from Ohio, why am I not accepted in-state? My brain is now going to med school out of state and when I return my feelings for UC will be greatly affected by this particular wait-list experience.
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OOS applicants with higher stats??? sometimes.

If you are ranking a waitlist....tell me how it makes sense to accept applicants from the 2 lower thirds before the top third. If you want a lot of OOS people, put them in the upper third if you know you really want them.

Good luck getting all of those OOS people to decide to practice in-state after med school.
OOS applicants with higher stats??? sometimes.

If you are ranking a waitlist....tell me how it makes sense to accept applicants from the 2 lower thirds before the top third. If you want a lot of OOS people, put them in the upper third if you know you really want them.

Good luck getting all of those OOS people to decide to practice in-state after med school.
THANK YOU MUOHIO1403, nice way to put the truth out there!
I was accepted today, in-state male, Shocked!
Congrats!! See you soon🙂
I got the old nuke today, which isn't surprising considering that orientation started today. I imagine a few other people on here got the same status update from medonestop.

Guess I'll be going to UT next year.

Good luck UCCOM Class of 2012!
So just a little clarification...

Could the people who have gotten off the waitlist at UC give the following info if you are willing:

Male or Female
which third

just so that some of us who are considering retaking the MCAT and applying could plan a little bit better.
So just a little clarification...

Could the people who have gotten off the waitlist at UC give the following info if you are willing:

Male or Female
which third

just so that some of us who are considering retaking the MCAT and applying could plan a little bit better.

This thread is for LAST year's Cincinnati waitlist, so I doubt any of these people are still around. If you want to look into the waitlist movement for this year, you should ask in the 2008-2009 University of Cincinnati Secondary Application Thread.