University of Louisville School of Medicine Class of 2013

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Keona, now that you mention it, I got a little ticked when we were told the tuition rates for out-of-state students will be frozen for 4 years, but not in-state students. And I agree, the pass/fail grading will be cool.

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I thought it was fun, except for hearing that my debt is going to be worse than I thought. 😱 The med student panel was cool, although I don't think I learned anything new about what the experience is going to be like. It was interesting to hear that the average MCAT score went up more than a whole point (it used to be a 29, I think), and it sucks that the new anatomy lab won't be done in time for our class. But overall I had a good time and I'm still eager (and nervous) to start this fall.

Yeah, the lack of new anatomy lab was the worst part of it all. I was already decided on Louisville, but it was one thing that made me feel a little better about passing on UK's brand spankin' new hospital. Meh, what can you do?

The money is going to suck for sure, and the MS-1 and MS-2 classrooms are pretty old and really small, but their clinical training will be great. They have so many hospitals near by, so I'm just going to think of years 1 and 2 as a means to an end.
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Yeah, the lack of new anatomy lab was the worst part of it all. I was already decided on Louisville, but it was one thing that made me feel a little better about passing on UK's brand spankin' new hospital. Meh, what can you do?

The money is going to suck for sure, and the MS-1 and MS-2 classrooms are pretty old and really small, but their clinical training will be great. They have so many hospitals near by, so I'm just going to think of years 1 and 2 as a means to an end.

Exactly. Plus, the first two years are going to be difficult no matter where you go, but the clinical opportunities at Louisville are really amazing. By the way, I like the new change to your avatar. :laugh:
Exactly. Plus, the first two years are going to be difficult no matter where you go, but the clinical opportunities at Louisville are really amazing. By the way, I like the new change to your avatar. :laugh:

Thanks. It seemed appropriate. 👍
I completely agree about the anatomy lab, I was shocked when someone asked about it, because I hadn't heard it wasn't going to be finished in time for our class. I'm just going with even though the school may be somewhat older in appearance, it's still going to be a great school. I feel like the school in general is really friendly though, and the students all seem happy. From what I've heard the size of the classrooms isn't really a problem due to the students who choose to study from home.
Who is bringing their dog? I'm looking for housing close to the hospital so I can go home over lunch, study there, etc. Am planning on getting a pooch once things settle down after the first month or so.

Wasn't able to attend the info session(too far for me)--did I miss anything important?
Who is bringing their dog? I'm looking for housing close to the hospital so I can go home over lunch, study there, etc. Am planning on getting a pooch once things settle down after the first month or so.

Wasn't able to attend the info session(too far for me)--did I miss anything important?

Nothing too important at the session really. I think their powerpoint for the financial aid stuff is going to be on Blackboard soon.

As far as dogs go, look into the Highlands area of town (Bardstown Road/Baxter Ave between Taylorsville and Broadway). It's a really dog friendly part of town and 1 - 2 miles from the med school. Cherokee park is also nearby to walk the dogs in.
Whats up everyone... I got accepted a couple weeks ago after interviewing in november. It was def. a weight off my shoulders. now i just have to sit back and wait on the other school decisions. does anyone know the deadline to withdrawal your acceptance???
Hey guys,

To address a couple of things:

The anatomy lab as it sits is not all that bad. There was a thread a month or so ago about various school's labs, and from what I read of other schools' labs, our's is really doing pretty well. It's open and airy, lots of windows and light, the ventilation system is adequate, in good repair, etc. I seem to recall Halperin's interests were something along the lines of getting more high-tech and it involved flat-panel LCDs to project images of what we were dissecting. That's cool and all, but I don't feel I missed anything not being able to watch Family Guy while I was dissecting.

Living situation with Dogs - Bardstown is a really cool area to live, but you're not going to be going home at lunch. The road is also pretty much packed at all times of day and you only have 1 hour between classes. Cherokee park does legitimately rule. I did a quick 10-mile bike ride there yesterday and it was busy. I live downtown, if you're interested in being able to go home for lunch, that's where it's at; I ride my bike to and from the school multiple times a day and it takes 10 minutes from classroom to living room. I also have 3 dogs 😱 and I can take them out at lunch.
Whats up everyone... I got accepted a couple weeks ago after interviewing in november. It was def. a weight off my shoulders. now i just have to sit back and wait on the other school decisions. does anyone know the deadline to withdrawal your acceptance???

The deadline to withdraw your acceptance and still get your $100 deposit back is May 15. If you're willing to let them keep your $100, I guess you could just not show up the first day of class, but that's pretty unprofessional.
Hey Guys,
Does anyone know where to find past USMLE scores for Louisville SOM? Just wondering how well they've been performing in recent years........... Thanks
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When I was interviewing, I spoke to a second year who was getting reading to take the Step 1. He said the previous class had an average of 225, with 60 students scoring above 230. I think that would have been this year's graduating class. I think at the time, that worked out to somewhere between 10 and 15 points above the national average.😱 U of L does really well on the boards, for some reason.

I will additionally say that each subsequent class seems to be more and more "motivated," and I would expect the scores to be relatively higher each year.
Thanks Keona, astrocreep.
Also, does Louisville have taped lectures ( audio/video), and online histology slides? Do the posted powerpoints help any?
Yes to all of the above.

Lectures are recorded and uploaded to Tegrity. It's not taped as in you see the prof. up front talking, rather the prof. uses a microphone and the lecture is recored; Tegrity then syncs the powerpoints they've used (meaning you'll see where they were pointing with the mouse, or any modifications they may draw onto the slide) to the recording and you can watch it all at home - more or less like being at the lecture.

Reference Histo slides are online, but the practicals will be through the microscope (except for the first mini-practical), so it's a good idea to spend some quality time with the 'scope anyway.

I bring powerpoint printouts to class, some don't. I like them and they may or may not have more information than just the reading material.
Hey astrocreep96,
Thanks for your response. I am trying to make a final decision on Louisville, that is why I have all these questions. I just have some more:
(a) Do you go to class everyday or are the Tegrity lectures sufficient for you to do well on tests? Are Louisville lecturers big on daily attendance.
(b) What have you heard about the Trover track ( both positives and negatives)?
(c) The school and facilities seemed kinda old when I came in. Are the clinics that way too? Do you feel like newer facilities or updated technology would have made a difference in your education?
(d) Coming from a big, sunny city, I am concerned about how much fun there is to be had in Louisville. Are there opportunities to decompress after school work is done? ( rec center, activities in city etc).
(e) How much research opportunities are available to Louisville students? ( especially when you are trying to get competitive for a good residency).
(f) Are there supportive mentors that assist you in preparing for residencies? Some schools are not as supportive as others, and even with a good Step score, you might have to go at it alone....

Thanks for taking out the time Astrocreep96... much appreciated.
Dear Astrocreep,
Some more questions and am done;
What do you like best about the school? (What are u grateful for everyday)
Would you go to Louisville again if you could do it over?
What dont you like ?

Hey guys! I just got my letter last Thursday and am excited to join the fold here! I'm not sure that I'll be at UofL in the fall, but it's my first and only acceptance thus far, so as of now, I'll be there. 😀 (Oh, and my husband's whole family lives in Louisville, all bleeding Cardinal red, so if they have any say - and they're trying their darndest - we'll be there. 😉)

I've read over this thread and there is a lot of helpful info here. Thanks go out to astrocreep in particular! Way to represent for the class of '12. 😀

Bummer that the new anatomy lab won't be ready for us. I interviewed on 1/21, and they were still saying at that point that it would be. 🙁

I'm kinda sad that I interviewed so late as to not be in on the pre-orientation weekend. We definitely would have come in for that (we're in St. Louis right now.) Oh well . . . sounds like the financial part may have depressed me! That's one of the big reasons that I may not come to UofL. I'm on Mizzou's waitlist (with a decent position), so if I get in there, it might be awfully hard to turn down in-state tuition . . . and I really like their PBL curriculum. But then again, Louisville beats Columbia, MO hands-down. :laugh: The wildcard in all of this is that I got an OHSU interview last week, and Portland is like my husband's dream place to live, so we'll see . . . I may have to make some tough decisions . . . or they may be made for me. :laugh:

In any case, I'm excited and humbled to have gotten an outright acceptance to UofL, and I'll be hanging out here for a while, I think. 🙂
Hey astrocreep96,
Thanks for your response. I am trying to make a final decision on Louisville, that is why I have all these questions. I just have some more:
(a) Do you go to class everyday or are the Tegrity lectures sufficient for you to do well on tests? Are Louisville lecturers big on daily attendance.

I go to class most days, but this most recent block of material I've slacked off a lot. I still read the lecture material and go through the lecture notes. I will occasionally catch a recording on Tegrity, but not unless it's been a long while since we covered something. The professors certainly like to have strong attendance, but it is not mandatory. I will say, I believe the profs. are fairly personable individuals, especially in the first semester, and it's not bad at all to attend the lectures most of the time.

(b) What have you heard about the Trover track ( both positives and negatives)?

I have heard nothing about it. Rural medicine doesn't really interest me.

(c) The school and facilities seemed kinda old when I came in. Are the clinics that way too? Do you feel like newer facilities or updated technology would have made a difference in your education?

I don't think it would have made a difference in my education. The building is on the older side, but it's always in good condition.

The lecture hall at first seemed a bit on the cramped side, but I've since come to find it a little homey. Same with our unit labs - I have my desk full of a toiletry kit (for the rare occasion I am running late or eat an apple and get something stuck in my teeth - pet peeve), coffee mug, Rock Stars, books, pencils, etc. It's my home away from home (which is only a 5 minute bike ride anyway). I like it quite a bit, to be honest.

Clinics depend on where you are. Jewish and Kosair are the big buck places, University is a little older and state funded. It's not too bad - standard urban hospital I guess.

(d) Coming from a big, sunny city, I am concerned about how much fun there is to be had in Louisville. Are there opportunities to decompress after school work is done? ( rec center, activities in city etc).

Lots to do. You'll find out within the first week of orientation. I came from Utah and grew up hiking, backpacking, climbing, etc. I do miss the mountains, but there is much more to do in the city.

Lots of my classmates will go to the bars on the weekends. Not really my thing since I did that in college and I've decided to limit the damage to my liver. Bardstown Rd. has a ton of cool little shops and downtown/4th Street Live always has something going on. I just saw Ben Bailey (Cash Cab) a couple of weeks ago at a comedy club down the street (I live in Downtown).

Now that the weather is nice, I've been riding my road bike a lot (getting ideas for a titanium bike I want to build while I'm at it😀). River Road along the Ohio offers a good 10+ mile ride (one way) if you want, and Cherokee Park has a hilly 2.5 mile loop that I'll bike around for awhile in the morning on the weekends.

There is a nice gym across the street from the hospital (about a block from the school) that is free for students.

(e) How much research opportunities are available to Louisville students? ( especially when you are trying to get competitive for a good residency).

Plenty. I will speak about my experience only since I believe it is unique. I got into the SRSP program the Summer before I started (last Summer) with a particular physician and it has been a great experience. I have a first author publication for a specialty journal that we are getting ready to submit and I had a poster presentation last fall (all in the specialty I want to pursue). I spent last Summer scrubbing into the OR, assisting a fellow with surgeries before the other residents were there, attending clinic with the physician at University Hospital and at his private practice, etc. Phenomenal experience.

(f) Are there supportive mentors that assist you in preparing for residencies? Some schools are not as supportive as others, and even with a good Step score, you might have to go at it alone....

Again, my experience is unique, but it's not out of reach for anyone willing to do the leg work. The physician I researched with last Summer, and will likely research with again this Summer, is the residency director for the specialty I want to go into. He's got a strong presence in the field and has been a great guy to work with. I've had a blast and I can't wait to get into the OR again this Summer. So for me, I've had the best possible mentor I could have hoped for.

There are plenty of regular mentor types in the school for every student, however. We have unit lab advocates (Second Year students that swing by to help out or offer advice), an individual Second Year mentor, academic advisors (mine is also pretty good), and various deans that swing by and provide lunchs for unit labs on rotation. It would be fair to say that I think there are actually too many people looking out for you, and it gets complicated remembering who they all are.

Thanks for taking out the time Astrocreep96... much appreciated.

What do you like best about the school? (What are u grateful for everyday)

Unit labs are nice, professors are generally really good and responsive to student concerns, anatomy lab was fun and we had good TA's, right close to Downtown and easy to commute to, classmates are all pretty cool, always something going on with various interest groups, gym is close by, etc.

Would you go to Louisville again if you could do it over?

In a heart beat.

It was coming down to my state school (a ranked school, although that's a bunch of **** if I've ever heard it), and Louisville. I didn't really get a good feel at my state school, despite having a brand new health sciences facility with a fancy lecture hall. But, the only reasons I would have attended that school were lower tuition and it was close to my fiance's family. I didn't get in there and I was overjoyed. I've been really happy here.

What dont you like ?

I think they could expand the number of what they call "PBL labs." There are 3 small, separate computer rooms in each unit lab, but there are not enough for everyone around study time. It's particularly annoying a week or two before the test when you can't get a PBL lab in your own unit lab because someone from 3 unit labs down decides they like your room more. There's always the library to study at, but it still bugs me.

The ICM class - the proverbial "teach you clinical skills when you have no real idea what you're doing" class that every school seems to have. It's not all bad, some parts are actually pretty cool, but they always manage to schedule a CSE quiz/exam the week before the block exams when you could use the time to study for something else. I don't think the class is a total waste necessarily, but they could alleviate some stress by scheduling better. Of course, it's not an issue if you're really on top of your game and organized with your studying, but who the hell does that.:laugh:

My responses in red.
Thanks for the great info, astrocreep! I'm glad to hear that you've had such great experiences at UofL! I'm curious about one thing that kind of turned me off on my interview day, though: in contrast to my state school (Mizzou), UofL didn't seem very tech-oriented. Case in point: at the class we attended at UofL, I noticed that everyone was taking notes the old-fashioned way - on paper. I don't think I saw a single person with a laptop . . . this was in sharp contrast to Mizzou where I don't think I saw anyone taking notes on paper! Everyone had laptops with the lecturer's PowerPoint up and was typing away furiously.

Naturally, I don't really care what the people around me are doing, but I'm definitely in favor of technology and would like to know whether I'd have the ability to make full use of it. So, if I wanted to bring a laptop to class to take notes, download PowerPoints, etc., could I do that (in other words, are all spaces wireless)? Also, what about online textbooks? At Mizzou, the students I talked to said they really didn't buy many books because all of their books could be accessed online through Mizzou's library and/or blackboard sites.

Overall, what do you think about technology at UofL? Is it a priority? I'd love to hear your thoughts whenever you have a chance to respond.

Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your awesome insight astrocreep96.!!!!! You are truly holding it down over there... A lot of things have been clarified for me.
Keona, now that you mention it, I got a little ticked when we were told the tuition rates for out-of-state students will be frozen for 4 years, but not in-state students. And I agree, the pass/fail grading will be cool.

Is it true that the OOS tuition will be frozen for 4 years? how did you find out? Also when will the tuition for next year be set, any one knows?
We heard this at the preorientation program. Yes, oos is frozen for 4 years, for our class, the dean( I think it was him) was complaining because the state wouldn't allow him to freeze it for instate students, even though they allowed it at UK. He kinda' apologized about it, but did say that he tried. I think they're supposed to know the tuition rates pretty soon one of the things they were looking for was the direct loan program. I got an email in that groupwise thing saying uofL was going with it, so I think that's good news. I think they may also have to wait on something from the state, but who knows. Add in if anyone else knows more or wants to correct something.
We heard this at the preorientation program. Yes, oos is frozen for 4 years, for our class, the dean( I think it was him) was complaining because the state wouldn't allow him to freeze it for instate students, even though they allowed it at UK. He kinda' apologized about it, but did say that he tried. I think they're supposed to know the tuition rates pretty soon one of the things they were looking for was the direct loan program. I got an email in that groupwise thing saying uofL was going with it, so I think that's good news. I think they may also have to wait on something from the state, but who knows. Add in if anyone else knows more or wants to correct something.
For sharing with us.
I have called and learned that the OOS tuition has been frozen for 3 years, this year it will remain at $42820, but no one will give any speculations forward. Any one remember who was talking about tuition at your pre-orientation? Was the 4 years frozen starts this year or this is the last year of the period he was talking about?
I almost positive that It was the pediatric oncologist, I really think he's the dean. It sounded like it was starting this year, but I was tuning that part out since I'm instate, maybe some out of staters paid more attention than I did.
I almost positive that It was the pediatric oncologist, I really think he's the dean. It sounded like it was starting this year, but I was tuning that part out since I'm instate, maybe some out of staters paid more attention than I did.
Thank you Keona, do you remember the date of the meeting or any one by any chance to have an agenda of that meeting, who host it? may be I can find out who to call to find out.
It was the preorientation that we were all invited to🙂 I don't have my folder from it here, but I'll look when I get back to school on Sunday. I feel like some other people should remember it as well though, I think there's a comment at the top of the page from someone else who was there.
Thanks for the great info, astrocreep! I'm glad to hear that you've had such great experiences at UofL! I'm curious about one thing that kind of turned me off on my interview day, though: in contrast to my state school (Mizzou), UofL didn't seem very tech-oriented. Case in point: at the class we attended at UofL, I noticed that everyone was taking notes the old-fashioned way - on paper. I don't think I saw a single person with a laptop . . . this was in sharp contrast to Mizzou where I don't think I saw anyone taking notes on paper! Everyone had laptops with the lecturer's PowerPoint up and was typing away furiously.

Naturally, I don't really care what the people around me are doing, but I'm definitely in favor of technology and would like to know whether I'd have the ability to make full use of it. So, if I wanted to bring a laptop to class to take notes, download PowerPoints, etc., could I do that (in other words, are all spaces wireless)? Also, what about online textbooks? At Mizzou, the students I talked to said they really didn't buy many books because all of their books could be accessed online through Mizzou's library and/or blackboard sites.

Overall, what do you think about technology at UofL? Is it a priority? I'd love to hear your thoughts whenever you have a chance to respond.

Thanks in advance!

I don't think U of L is tech adverse, but I'm not sure how it compares to other schools. It sounds like Mizzou might be pretty up-to-date but I obviously can't really compare.

One of my classmates from U of Michigan commented that their online system (analogous to our Blackboard) was much smoother operating. Not sure how to quantify that to answer your question, though, and it might have been personal preference. I have heard a few arguments on how to objectively make Blackboard a more efficient program, but I don't think it's too bad as it stands.

The first semester, most of your text will necessarily be in book format. Histo, Gross, and Embryo all use established texts in paper format. The next semester, most of the material is written and compilied by the professors, and a great majority of it will be available online (reading text, powerpoints, etc.).

I do not like reading text material online, and so I go to the copy center where they print everything for me and bind it for pretty cheap, and then I print lecture powerpoints at home. That doesn't mean you can't just bring your laptop in and use that, however. There is wireless throughout the building and you shouldn't have a problem accessing the web at school. A few students have tablet pc's, and use those for everything.
Hey, does anyone know about scholarship notifications.. i know they are sending out letters, but con you access the offer via the internet???
Thanks, astrocreep! A tablet PC was exactly what I was thinking of getting for med school - good to know that there is wireless access, so I'd be able to use it to take notes/go online when I needed to. As for textbooks, I was kind of hoping some of the major texts would be scanned and available online through the library site (basically just so as not to have to lug heavy books around!), but then again, I'll probably want to keep a lot of these books through my career anyway, so no big deal.
It was the preorientation that we were all invited to🙂 I don't have my folder from it here, but I'll look when I get back to school on Sunday. I feel like some other people should remember it as well though, I think there's a comment at the top of the page from someone else who was there.

It was the dean (Edward Halperin). He did say OOS tuition would be frozen for 4 years. The estimated OOS tuition was $42820. Total OOS COA was estimated at $62638
Hey guys! I just got my letter last Thursday and am excited to join the fold here! I'm not sure that I'll be at UofL in the fall, but it's my first and only acceptance thus far, so as of now, I'll be there. 😀

Congradulations CultureDoc!! The non-trads are hoping you choose louisville. I think they said at pre-orientation that there were 13-14 of us non-trads admitted so far. There is another woman who is moving her family down from St Louis too.
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It was the dean (Edward Halperin). He did say OOS tuition would be frozen for 4 years. The estimated OOS tuition was $42820. Total OOS COA was estimated at $62638
Thank you, tsbuqh, why don't they post the good news somewhere online, it would affect a lot of people's decisions. Is this on his slides or he just verbally communicated it? Sorry to ask too many questions since if this is true, I will be at Louisville this fall.
He verbally communicated the information, I do not recall seeing it on any slides. It is strange that they haven't posted it anywhere, but they may be trying to make sure that the instaters don't pay too much attention to UK having it for everyone. I've stopped trying to figure out anything logical to go along with any of the money issues for medical school, it gives me a headache.
He verbally communicated the information, I do not recall seeing it on any slides. It is strange that they haven't posted it anywhere, but they may be trying to make sure that the instaters don't pay too much attention to UK having it for everyone. I've stopped trying to figure out anything logical to go along with any of the money issues for medical school, it gives me a headache.
Thank you Keona.
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So, I don't want our thread to drop to the second page... I was also wondering if they'd set our tuition yet? I haven't received anything if they have.
So, I don't want our thread to drop to the second page... I was also wondering if they'd set our tuition yet? I haven't received anything if they have.

I haven't seen anything for 2009-2010 yet. Everything is still 2008-2009.

I'm imagining that things will really start ramping up after May 15th, so I'm going to try not to get too worked up until then.
I finally did my FAFSA, and it told me my EFC. I'm wondering though how do we start doing loan things? I had scholarships in undergrad and the school just sent us financial aid packets, I signed it and sent it back. Does anyone know if these loan things for medical school will be similar? I know I will have to take out loans, but I'm just not sure of UofL will just send us packages. I'm hoping for that one, or should I be doing something more with this stuff? Thanks guys, if you all can make it through my very ramboling post.
Any one knows if the health insurance premium (~$1750) is included in the tuition and fees or we have to pay it separately?
All students in the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Upper Division of the Nursing School including Graduate Nursing programs, Audiology and Speech Pathology are required to have major medical insurance. Students are automatically charged for the student insurance at the time of registration, but may have the insurance premium waived by completing a student insurance waiver online through the Academic Health Plans website.

I hope that helps, it seems like they will charge it all at the same time, I'm not sure if that's your question though🙂 When I was looking at stuff on the blackboard site area earlier, it looks like they haven't updated the fees for next year yet. This is also including the health fee website, unless you found the one for 2009-2010, I could only find it for 2008-2009
I finally did my FAFSA, and it told me my EFC. I'm wondering though how do we start doing loan things? I had scholarships in undergrad and the school just sent us financial aid packets, I signed it and sent it back. Does anyone know if these loan things for medical school will be similar? I know I will have to take out loans, but I'm just not sure of UofL will just send us packages. I'm hoping for that one, or should I be doing something more with this stuff? Thanks guys, if you all can make it through my very ramboling post.

I think they tell us either in an e-mail or on ULink what our award package is and how much Stafford loans we qualify for. You can accept or decline up to the total amount of money they offer you (I think). Any extra money you'd need over the top amount they offer is through a private lender, but I hear they guide you through the process step-by-step. At least, this is what I've been led to believe, so don't hold it as gospel.
I think they tell us either in an e-mail or on ULink what our award package is and how much Stafford loans we qualify for. You can accept or decline up to the total amount of money they offer you (I think). Any extra money you'd need over the top amount they offer is through a private lender, but I hear they guide you through the process step-by-step. At least, this is what I've been led to believe, so don't hold it as gospel.

That sounds pretty reasonable, I guess I can just wait and see. I was mostly making sure no one else had done something with this that I hadn't, that's mostly just due to my inherent paranoia. Thanks for passing on what you have heard, it makes me feel better, though I know you're not completely sure of that though.
I wish there was a "twiddling my thumbs" smiley.

It's a little dull waiting for things to get started...
We could always talk about the insane weather in KY. How a few days ago it was around 70 and nice and warm, then it went to awful thunderstorms and windstorms, and we're rounding that out with a nice bit of snow.
We could always talk about the insane weather in KY. How a few days ago it was around 70 and nice and warm, then it went to awful thunderstorms and windstorms, and we're rounding that out with a nice bit of snow.

Yeah, it started out 35 degrees this morning and is supposed to hit the low 60s this evening. I just want to stop paying for my gas heat already!!
I just checked my louisville email, and I had a few emails about financial aid. Did anyone else get anything?

I didn't get anything recently. I've been checking my UofL e-mail about 1-2 times a week (mostly out of neuroticism and/or boredom), but there hasn't been anything new lately. What were your e-mails about?
We have received the electronic results of your 2009-2010 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), but your financial aid file is incomplete at this time. We must collect additional documentation from you.

No one else got it?