UOP and UCSF Student housing.. where do/did you live??

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Jul 7, 2017
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If you went to UCSF or UOP or had friends who went to either of those dental schools, where did you/they live??

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I live very close to the school in SOMA (UoP). Many students live nearby (<6 blocks away) and a few live a bit further out. It entirely depends on what you're looking for, how much you're willing to spend, and a variety of other factors (neighborhood, family, married, priorities, etc)
Yea but live what specific complexes do they live in? I'm currently researching places to live (even though I still haven't take the DAT...)
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Yea but live what specific complexes do they live in? I'm currently researching places to live (even though I still haven't take the DAT...)

Mosso, SOMA Square, Trinity, etc. there are way too many to list. Many kids live in condo units as well.
UCSF kids tend to live in the Inner Sunset area. I would imagine UOP students would live somewhere around SOMA. Housing in SF is ridiculously expensive regardless of where you live...
Isn’t SOma unsafe area ? Streets r lined w aggressive homeless and drug users ?
All apartment reviews even for a little more expensive ones were horrible
Any suggestions for somewhere close to UOP but in a safer area?
What about Rincon Hills area or any other suggestions for particular apartments would be really appreciated
Isn’t SOma unsafe area ? Streets r lined w aggressive homeless and drug users ?
All apartment reviews even for a little more expensive ones were horrible
Any suggestions for somewhere close to UOP but in a safer area?
What about Rincon Hills area or any other suggestions for particular apartments would be really appreciated
I’ve spent a few nights in that area and there are definitely a lot of homeless people. I wouldn’t call them aggressive tho. Some of them are pretty chill. They’ll try to sell you drugs but you just gotta say no and keep walking semi-fast haha
Also yea I was looking at Mosso cuz it’s close to the campus but the reviews aren’t that great
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Isn’t SOma unsafe area ? Streets r lined w aggressive homeless and drug users ?
All apartment reviews even for a little more expensive ones were horrible
Any suggestions for somewhere close to UOP but in a safer area?
What about Rincon Hills area or any other suggestions for particular apartments would be really appreciated

Soma isn't THAT bad. Sure, as @Auntymarkovnikov said there are plenty of homeless people, but I've never had a particularly bad interaction nor encounter.
I’ve spent a few nights in that area and there are definitely a lot of homeless people. I wouldn’t call them aggressive tho. Some of them are pretty chill. They’ll try to sell you drugs but you just gotta say no and keep walking semi-fast haha
Also yea I was looking at Mosso cuz it’s close to the campus but the reviews aren’t that great
Exactly what I read - reviews were really bad and rent is high for neglected and disgusting apartments. That's why I was looking a little further but still be able to walk.
Isn’t SOma unsafe area ? Streets r lined w aggressive homeless and drug users ?
All apartment reviews even for a little more expensive ones were horrible
Any suggestions for somewhere close to UOP but in a safer area?
What about Rincon Hills area or any other suggestions for particular apartments would be really appreciated
Isnt this just california in general